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Joined BF4DB: Nov 10, 2020
Last Online: 3 years ago


BF4DB BAN APPEAL 3 years ago

Soldier name: xXharwesterXx
link to soldier profile: https://bf4db.com/player/896993928
link to battlelog: https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/xXharwesterXx/stats/896993928/pc/
Have you claimed your soldier: yes
Appeal: Hello BF4 administration first of all i want to apologize you for my poor language, english isn't my native language. Straight to the point, today i wanted to play some BF4, but when i entered server i saw i got banned.
I was very surprised by this, because i never used any kind of cheats in any game. On yours page i readed it is caused because my stats are suspicious, i think it is because my last games. Well i simply found a nice server on wich most people played not very well, and i stick to it.
I played few days on it, mostly on mornings so it was even easier to play there for me i think. I think there is nothing wrong with this, i just wanted to enjoy the game. I don't know how else i can prove you that i'm not cheater or glitcher.

Anyways, thank you administration for protecting us from cheaters, i hope my appeal will be granted positive.

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