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  • xXharwesterXx
    Member since November 10, 2020

    Soldier name: xXharwesterXx
    link to soldier profile:
    link to battlelog:
    Have you claimed your soldier: yes
    Appeal: Hello BF4 administration first of all i want to apologize you for my poor language, english isn't my native language. Straight to the point, today i wanted to play some BF4, but when i entered server i saw i got banned.
    I was very surprised by this, because i never used any kind of cheats in any game. On yours page i readed it is caused because my stats are suspicious, i think it is because my last games. Well i simply found a nice server on wich most people played not very well, and i stick to it.
    I played few days on it, mostly on mornings so it was even easier to play there for me i think. I think there is nothing wrong with this, i just wanted to enjoy the game. I don't know how else i can prove you that i'm not cheater or glitcher.

    Anyways, thank you administration for protecting us from cheaters, i hope my appeal will be granted positive.

  • xXharwesterXx
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Soldier name: xXharwesterXx
    link to soldier profile:
    link to battlelog:
    Have you claimed your soldier: yes
    Appeal: Hello BF4 administration first of all i want to apologize you for my poor language, english isn't my native language. Straight to the point, today i wanted to play some BF4, but when i entered server i saw i got banned.
    I was very surprised by this, because i never used any kind of cheats in any game. On yours page i readed it is caused because my stats are suspicious, i think it is because my last games. Well i simply found a nice server on wich most people played not very well, and i stick to it.
    I played few days on it, mostly on mornings so it was even easier to play there for me i think. I think there is nothing wrong with this, i just wanted to enjoy the game. I don't know how else i can prove you that i'm not cheater or glitcher.

    Anyways, thank you administration for protecting us from cheaters, i hope my appeal will be granted positive.


    Games like this one are kinda suspicious to me. Can you explain?

  • xXharwesterXx
    Member since November 10, 2020

    Sure i can explain, and i also understand your suspicion. As i said, look at my enemies stats (i know it is different server but the principle is the same) ex. 4/14, 8/14, 4/13 etc. little bit of luck and focus on game and boom, there you have it. I don't know what else i can say here, don't get me wrong i just know what i was doing, i remember this match.

    Greetings to you sir, and sorry for delay reply

  • xXharwesterXx
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Cheat use is apparent. 

    Appeal denied.