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Joined BF4DB: Sep 21, 2019
Last Online: 3 years ago


Ban Appeal 5 years ago

Soldier Name: MP9x

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

Appeal: So. I played BF4 the last time about 7 months ago. Now I got a new PC with proper components installed (had a laptop with a GeForce 635m before ._.), and decided to look back into a game of BF4 again, just to see that I am banned on nearly every server that i always played ._. For ESP and Multihacking. If i had video evidence of that round I would love to show you my innocence, but I unfortunatly don't have anything >.< and I can't even remember the round I played.. And it was only in that single round that i had 33 HS kills out of 44 with a sniper, with a 24% accuracy.. (so the argument that i "oneshoted everything instantly" and "only headshoted" is not really valid for that) which tbh isnt that good ._. My avg. hs-quota in other games like cs is about 78% (I know that aiming for hs's isn't a valuable argument :/ but i have 3,8k hours on my cs record and main weapons were scout/awp or normal rifle) I played other rounds after that game it seems because I dont even have it in my history and all other rounds were just normal rounds nothing special about it. I think on that day/evening (I cant even remember >.<) I just had a good round. Sometimes i dont play with a scope on my sniper just for fun (played bf3 on my ps3 alot [i didnt cheat there why would i cheat in the other game ._.]) maybe i played without it in that round as well (gives you more overview on the enemy and makes it easier to scope in) or i just played with a RDsight. I cant really remember the game. And I definetly would never cheat in a game. ._. AND I dont even know why I played sniper ._. assault and pioneer are my favorite classes anyway ._. I would love to help you with anything that can get me out of this ban. Because I just want to play some rounds with my f2000 ._. Thanks in advance for anything that you can offer me and have a nice day.

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