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Joined BF4DB: Dec 22, 2018
Last Online: 3 years ago


Account hacked and un recoverable 5 years ago

I just recently came back from a long break to find that my origin account has been hacked. Seeing as I cannot remember the email account that I associated with it when it was created years ago I cannot get it back. It does not look like there has been any activity on it since March when I played it last. It is probably being used for BF5 that was on it as well. 

I am only posting this as I am looking to buy a new BF4 key so I can play a bit here and there as I dont really care for BF5 at all.

I am editing this as I do not see a proper place to put it nor do I feel it should be reposted. 

I contacted EA and since I do not have the original account email I am unable to recover the account. I also was not looking to buy a key here, I do plan on buying a new origin key to play but I posted this so I dont get a ban in the future for linked accounts.

1 Reply 594 Views

Unban for linked account 5 years ago

I jumped on to play today and I see my account has been banned for a linked account https://bf4db.com/player/847281937

I live with 3 other guys and we have all played BF4 together at one point so that is where the IP is probably matching. I am no cheater, my stats are horrible and I just play to have some fun because I wont go out and pop for BF5. 

Can you please unban my acct so I can frag a bit?

Thanks and happy holidays!

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