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Uncut_HeXe and II-Whaneda-II 6 years ago

Review of the video for educational purposes. Two suspected cheaters in one video:

Source Video: Battlefield 4 | PC | One Minute To Rule Them All #27

Free tools lile "4K Video Downloader" can be used to download 2K version. Wached 10 minutes at 0.125 speed (80 minutes of real time). All provided times are for MPC-HC (CTRL+G)

I suspect two things here:

a) Hidden ESP - player can horizontally focus on invisible enemy via specially mapped key. Side symptom is that frequently ESP aligns cross-hair horizontally with invisible enemy, but player will end up aiming at obstacles and not at entrance points where enemy could enter.
b) Aim-bot due to aiming reaction times and aiming position.

Asking for video recording to prove innocence will be useless, because Hidden ESP + human like aim bots are designed to counter such requests.

Some examples of suspected Hidden ESP:

Aim Starts  - on Enemy  - Enemy Appears - Notes.
00:47.517 - 00:47.732 - 00:47.948 - ESP aim end is on the wall.
00:51.172 - 00:51.400 - ESP aim end is on the wall (Enemy is on mini-map already).
00:59.600 - 00:59.939 - 01:00.983 - ESP aim end is on the wall.
04:50.882 - 04:51.133 - 04:52.763 - Player is holding aim at the obstacle.
05:00.819 - 05:01.337 - 05:01.264 - ESP aim is dead on the enemy 70ms after it is visible.
- Human reaction time can't be less than 90s.
05:27.482 - 05:27.650 - 05:27.750 - This one is obvious: ESP aim end is on obstacle. Enemy hides. Player starts shooting at 05:29.533, but enemy gun starts coming out visibly of the corner at 05:29.600 i.e. 63 ms later. Human reaction time can't be less than 0s.
06:58.157 - 06:58.567 - 06:59.567 - Watch how player is tracking invisible enemy behind the stairs, just before enemy appears under player's crosshair.

Couple examples of horizontal aim-snapping at targets visible on mini-map only:
Aim Starts - on Enemy
07:32.533 - 07:32.770
07:33.370 - 07:33.570

From player reaction, to environment events, you can see that player reaction time is normal. For example
09:57.343 - Flying C4 appears in the centre of the screen and flies towards the player.
09:57.959 - Player starts strafing to the right from it after 600 ms.

Some examples of suspected Aim-bot due to reaction time too fast for human. Reaction time of less than 90 ms is considered a false-started in Olympic games. Olympic sprinters can achieve reaction times of 109 ms. Player changes aiming before or much faster that human can, after kill clues are visible on the screen:

06:51.857 - Shooting the enemy
06:53.150 -Last bullet, which will kill the enemy left the gun. Starts aim at another target far in the corner hidden under mini-map.
06:53.216 - Kill confirmed for the first enemy (66 ms before visible kill confirm)

06:54.364 - Kill confirm message starts appearing on the screen
06:54.383 - Starts aiming somewhere else (12 ms after visible kill confirm).

07:31.383 - Kill hit mark appears
07:31.400 - Starts aiming somewhere else (17 ms after kill hit mark).

09:08.984 - Kill hit mark appears
09:09.006 - Starts aiming at another player (22 ms after kill hit mark).

Note: 10-20 ms would be one video frame delay of an aim-bot if game is running at 50-100 Hz.

Other Notes:

Players aim exclusively between neck and the sternum, which is also happens to be the golden spot for aim-bots, because only small movement is required to make decision between normal shot and head-shot. Aim-bot can switch to head-shot if player drops to critically low health in a gun fight. Distance, doesn't matter, even if enemy is far away and couple pixels in size.

There are a lot of other strange things, like poorly visible cross-hair dot, which is not the problem if player not required to track the target with it.

Aiming pattern is weird too. In many cases, player aims horizontally first and vertically after. Doesn't make sense for human, but makes sense if two artificial aiming modes are used: ESP aiming - locates player horizontally (much less suspicious if vertical aim if off), then aim-bot takes over and adjust vertical angle during engagement.

P.S.: Not sure about this due to the game mechanics (aiming during explosions), but looked suspicious:
At 05:11.297 Player got hit by something heavy.
Target shifts - 05:11.386, 05:11.400, 05:11.417, 05:11.433
Target on enemy - 05:11.450
Target shifts - 05:11.467
Target on invisible enemy - 05:11.500
Target shifts - 05:11.517
Target on enemy at the same moment when it became visible - 05:11.583
Which is a lot of precision aiming in a time impossible for human.

8 Replies 1437 Views

UNCUT_HEXE - MORE INFO 2 6 years ago

Original thread was locked before I could counter reply with evidence.

Thanks to TheAngryNun, for replyng to original thread, but I think he missed original point when looking at evidence, which was that HeXe knows EXACT position of the enemy player and aims through multiple walls. You MUST, watch video at slow speed in order to see pre-aim movements and understanding what’s going on.

Original Video:

00:27 - Aiming at a player behind the wall which will appear on a mini-map in a second.

TheAngryNun Reply: thats called the ground. was looking at it for quite a while before that too.

 I can partly accept, this excuse and assume that real goal of HeXe was to get on the stairs on the right, but he was aiming a little bit to the right, exactly where underground player will appear. Normally you aim where enemy players could come out (stairs), but he is looking at/through walls too much.

00:31 - Aiming at a player behind multiple walls (small part of the player is visible on mini-map).

TheAngryNun Reply: you dont hear the rocket from the left?

I can hear it, but HeXe did not reacted to multiple shot sounds from the right just a moment before, and for some reason he immediately turned to the left, and centered his aim exactly on the enemy player behind multiple walls.

00:37 - Aiming at a player behind the container, instead at the corner where player could be emerging.

TheAngryNun Reply:, looks like the corner to me

Your screenshot is misleading because it comes moments later. This is where HeXe was actually aiming:

00:41 - Jumping before seeing the enemy player around the container while player is not on mini-map yet.

TheAngryNun Reply:, wasnt even reloaded to shoot anyone why would he purposefully jump into someones view in the middle of a reload.

You are ignoring actual issue here - he jumped and aimed before he saw the player. Also, if you know reload time and it is quick then you can easily guess that it will be finished as soon as you emerge. Him forgetting that he is reloading doesn’t make it better, because it indicates that he was focusing on a task of avoiding enemy aim who was invisible at the moment.

00:54 - Aiming (horizontal) at player which is hiding underground and not on mini-map (kills with the pre-jump).

TheAngryNun Reply: uh the dude was shooting at him. Of course he knows where he is. plus you can hear him run to the right.

Fair, I can accept that.

01:05 - Aiming at player behind walls which will appear on mini-map at 01:06.

TheAngryNun Reply: uh no. checking corners.

Fake news again. Please use slow motion and watch aiming patterns. HeXe starts aiming and stops right on the invisible player, behind containers: 

Enemy player will appear later 01:06 and HeXe is trying to get to him: 

Second later, at 01:08, he is aiming at another player behind the wall: 

01:38 - Center aiming on a player before player appears on mini-map.

TheAngryNun Reply:  youtube encoding plus you can hear him walking

How “youtube encoding” is an excuse? If you listen carefully you can clearly hear one soldier loudly walking in front (a little bit to the right) of him, then you can hear low step sound mixing on the left, so he ignores louder enemy who is 100% in the front, turns his gun dead on the player he could not see, thinks for a moment, then tries to aim and shoot.

01:50 - Starts to aim at a player before player appears on mini-map.

TheAngryNun Reply: what

Ok, let’s assume that he was very lucky, to put his gun sight right on the player and kill him through small gap.

03:31 - Aiming at player behind the wall before sees him.

TheAngryNun Reply: do you just have the worst headphones ever and cant hear the dude running.

You are missing the point. It is not about the sound. I can hear steps too. If you watch that video in slow motion, at 0.25 speed, then you can clearly see that there is a smooth DEAD precise aim move at an enemy player just milliseconds before he will emerge from the corner.

04:22 - Aiming at player behind the wall who will appear on mini-map soon.

TheAngryNun Reply: again get a pair of headphones you can hear out of bc you can clearly hear gun fire.

Again, you are missing the point, I can hear the sound. Problem is that HeXe aims at EXACT position of the enemy, who is behind multiple walls and not on minimap yet:

Only then enemy is visible on minimap:

You must to watch video in slow motion in order to see all these super precise pre-targeting movements of the enemy behind multiple walls.

05:03 - Aiming and waiting for player who will appear on mini-map soon.

TheAngryNun Reply: really

Yes Really

05:02 - no enemy: 

05:03 - one enemy running away: 

05:03 – finally targeted enemy is visible: 

TheAngryNun Reply: 1. you should get better headphones.

In most cases it is not about the sound, and I have high-end Sennheiser already. I perfectly understand deduction concept of aproximate position of invisible enemy by the sound only.

TheAngryNun Reply: 2. people dont just vanish if their doroito comes off the mini map.

It is the other way around. HeXe knows about exact positions of enemies behind the walls before they appear on minimap.

TheAngryNun Reply: 3. checking corners is no a crime. Its helpful.

Agree, but for super-pro player like HeXe it seems like he aims at walls too much and he is soo lucky that frequently aim stops at invisible enemy behind multiple walls. It woudl be better if BF4 had parsable server logs with all timed netowrk packets included.

HeXe looks like a top player, but lets always remember that 34 countries out of 206 cheated in Olympic games and even world TOP players at highest level were caught cheating:

4 Replies 1376 Views

Uncut_HeXe - More Info 6 years ago

I need second pair or eyes to re-check this player. This is extremely "lucky" player. Here is analysis of one of many videos, posted by this player on YouTube (you can watch it at 0.25 speed for better understanding what’s going on):

This is how it looks (I've excluded some kills where he could hear gun reloading sound and successfully guess enemy position behind the corner). Try to watch his arrow pointer on mini-map, and you see that he is frequently aiming at positions where enemy is going to appear on mini-map:

  • 00:27 - Aiming at a player behind the wall which will appear on a mini-map in a second.
  • 00:31 - Aiming at a player behind multiple walls (small part of the player is visible on mini-map).
  • 00:37 - Aiming at a player behind the container, instead at the corner where player could be emerging.
  • 00:41 - Jumping before seeing the enemy player around the container while player is not on mini-map yet.
  • 00:54 - Aiming (horizontal) at player which is hiding underground and not on mini-map (kills with the pre-jump).
  • 01:05 - Aiming at player behind walls which will appear on mini-map at 01:06.
  • 01:08 - Aiming at player behind walls.
  • 01:38 - Center aiming on a player before player appears on mini-map.
  • 01:50 - Starts to aim at a player before player appears on mini-map.
  • 03:31 - Aiming at player behind the wall before sees him.
  • 04:22 - Aiming at player behind the wall who will appear on mini-map soon.
  • 05:03 - Aiming and waiting for player who will appear on mini-map soon.

This is not the only "lucky" player in his clan. For example:

Had multiple matches with him. For some reason this is another one of those super lucky "pro" players who comes with body out of sync issue despite low ping values. On a 60Hz server with less than 20 ping on my side and less than 35 ping reported to his PC, frequently, you can see that his chest is lagging behind the legs when he is running when shot at. It looks like hits are delayed or not registering. Sometimes his bullets arrive at the same time, which causes instant death.

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