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Joined BF4DB: Jan 4, 2018
Last Online: 20 hours ago


MUSTAFABET 1 year ago

Could you dm me on discord? Thanks.

3 Replies 1154 Views

Reminder : Posts on ban appeals. 4 years ago

Hi everyone,

We have recently noticed an increased amount of people posting on other's appeal. I would like to reming you of the rule regarding posts on such threads :

  • The only people permitted to post in ban appeals are the original author, and BF4DB staff. Any other posts will be deleted. If you have proof of the individual in question cheating, please contact a member of staff privately on Discord with the proof and we'll add it to the case. 

The main reason behind this rule is to keep ban appeal as clean as possible, seing how some can see appeal as an opportunity to insult any individual suspected of cheat.

Seeing the current situation we have been forced to take actions such as temporary forum ban against people who repeatedly break the above rule. I do hope that you can understand the motivations behind those forum bans and wish that such cases can be avoided in the future.

Thanks for your understanding.

Edit : We don't forbid people to talk about someone's ban or appeal, that's your right, but do it on a specific thread under the BF4 chat or general channel, or on our discord.

1 Reply 822 Views

FluffyCobra_exe 3 years ago

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed mate :

I mean there's an option on YT to turn video into private you know, may come in handy in the future.

Thanks for the extra salt, was fun reading you.

Edit : I see he put video to private, nice try :

Edit 2 : Copyright claimed by "FluffyCobra", I wonder who that is...

Claim this one now ----->

15 Replies 2863 Views to player links 3 years ago

I was wondering if it was possible to add to players link (like 24/7 and battlelog)

This site is very little known yet useful when it comes to find odd battlereports or to prove you were stat padding at some point (in case of susp stat ban).

Adding a link like"playernamehere"&cnt=20&start=&startdate= would allow people to have a quick look at someone's last 20 rounds.

It's very easy to bust cheater who lower their battlelog average stats by doing shit round on purpose or by hiding weapon/vehicle. Can also see when people use battle pickup in map where it's not supposed to be (accipiter in shanghai for example).

4 Replies 2161 Views

TK666Slo 3 years ago

Please Burt-sama,

I didn't notice the link in report redirect in the BF3 GGC "profile" of the dude, just change the game to BF4 and magic magic the ban is here (and active)

Thanks Burt-sama

3 Replies 1005 Views

actuallybadnoob1 - pb global cache 6 years ago

first time I reported this player the pb global dissapeared before admin could act, look like it's back to previous state

1 Reply 867 Views