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Joined BF4DB: Sep 23, 2019
Last Online: 4 years ago


Bann Aufhebung für Gott-Mit-Uns-12 4 years ago

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

in obiger Sache wurde mein Fall erneut ohne jegliche Prüfung der Beweislage geschlossen. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass Herr Kurbel keinerlei Berechtigung hat, sich als nicht mit BF4DB assoziierte Person zu der Sache zu äußern. Ihre Darstellung, ich sei für meinen gehackten Account haftbar, entspricht nicht der geltenden Rechtssprechung der BRD (Urteil BGH vom 11.05. 2011 - VIII ZR 289/09).  Die Beweise wurden nach wie vor von keiner verantwortlichen Person der Website gesichtet, weswegen ich erneut darum bitte, dass die Beweislage anerkannt und mein Bann aufgehoben wird. Hierfür setze ich eine Frist bis zum 02.06.2020 um 16:00 MESZ. Des weiteren fordere ich eine zustellungsfähige Adresse von BF4DB. Hierfür setze ich ebenfalls eine Frist bis zum 02.06.2020 16:00 MESZ.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


1 Reply 683 Views

Bann Aufhebung für Gott-Mit-Uns-12 4 years ago

Sehr geehrtes BF4DB Team,

ich habe vor 7 Monaten bereits einen Antrag zur Aufhebung meines Bans eingereicht, der ohne Prüfung oder gar Anerkennung der Beweislage Ihrerseits abgelehnt wurde. Es gab nachweislich einen unauthorisierten Fremdzugriff auf mein Konto. Ich bitte Sie höflich, sich erneut meinem Anliegen zu widmen, da ich nach wie vor bereit dazu bin, jegliche Chatverläufe und anwaltliche Korrespondenz mit der Electronic Arts GmbH und der EA Swiss Sárl darzulegen, die eindeutig belegen, dass ich nicht gecheatet habe. Ich hoffe nach wie vor darauf, dass Sie nach Prüfung der Beweise wie Electronic Arts auch zu dem Schluss kommen, dass ich kein bannwürdiges Verhalten an den Tag gelegt habe und den Ban aufheben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


3 Replies 738 Views

Why is my ban appeal gone? 5 years ago

Please give me my text from my ban appeal. I am trying to get unbanned from all servers and so I need the text I posted here earlier today

Kind regards


1 Reply 559 Views

I wish to talk to someone about my ban 5 years ago

Dear BF4DB team, 

I would really like to talk to someone about my ban. I want to have a calm and polite conversation about my appeal in which I can make my case and explain the background of what has happened. It would really mean a lot to me if someone would take the time to do so, since I always have been a BF fan and getting excluded for ever without at least talking to somebody about it would really cause me emotional distress. 

Yours sincerely 


0 Replies 658 Views

Ban Appeal 5 years ago

Soldier Name: Gott-Mit-Uns-12
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes

Dear BF4DB Team, 

Today I started my BF4 for the first time again since last year. I noticed I have been banned from your servers. I looked up the reason and I saw that on June 14th this account engaged in multihacking. At that time my account was hacked by a man from eastern ukraine. I did not notice that my account was hacked at that time cause I was simply not playing BF 4 at that time. I first noticed that my account had been hacked a few weeks later when I wanted to play BF1 with a friend of mine. EA had suspended my BF1 and EA account for hacking. What ensued than was an  unparalleled odyssey. After I received confirmation from the EA support that I had been hacked they helped me to resecure my account. Despite that being done they did not unban me even though they had clear evidence and confirmation that I was not responsible for the cheating. They only unbanned me after I activated my lawyer and threatened to file a lawsuit. So I wish to apologize to anyone here who got his game ruined on that day in June but I am not the one who ruined your game. I humbly ask the admins to unban me so I can enjoy your servers once again. If you wish to see the chat with the confirmation that I was hacked please let me know so I can provide you with a screenshot. 

Yours sincerely 


1 Reply 582 Views

Ban Appeal 5 years ago

Dear BF4DB Team, 

Today I started my BF4 for the first time again since last year. I noticed I have been banned from your servers. I looked up the reason and I saw that on June 14th this account engaged in multihacking. At that time my account was hacked by a man from eastern ukraine. I did not notice that my account was hacked at that time cause I was simply not playing BF 4 at that time. I first noticed that my account had been hacked a few weeks later when I wanted to play BF1 with a friend of mine. EA had suspended my BF1 and EA account for hacking. What ensued than was an  unparalleled odyssey. After I received confirmation from the EA support that I had been hacked they helped me to resecure my account. Despite that being done they did not unban me even though they had clear evidence and confirmation that I was not responsible for the cheating. They only unbanned me after I activated my lawyer and threatened to file a lawsuit. So I wish to apologize to anyone here who got his game ruined on that day in June but I am not the one who ruined your game. I humbly ask the admins to unban me so I can enjoy your servers once again. If you wish to see the chat with the confirmation that I was hacked please let me know so I can provide you with a screenshot. 

Yours sincerely 


2 Replies 500 Views