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    Member since June 11, 2021

    NB - $1.20 BF4 wahahahahahahahahahahhahaa ! This Forum will go viral on other Gaming Sites and Forms so they can delete no probs :)



    You maybe a BF4 Player. Right ? Did you ever know about the system behind BF4DB and why EA stopped their contract ?


    BF4DB is a website that can ban players from playing BF4 Multiplayer (ONLY), also in contact with Rotten PunkBuster, the other BIG FAIL Website.

    BF4, just like BF3, is now almost over 7years old game, and players still play it as it is one of the few game, apart of COD that is based on Modern Warfare, not that crappy WWI scenes... etc....


    1) Ever wondered why Cheaters dont get banned here ? Infact many of the Admins of BF4DB are active admins of servers, and spec all the time,

    when the play with their friends, they cheat, so that you say - AHHH the player is cheating so why not cheat myself. They make it also too obvious with players even hitting 100+ Kills in a round. BUT !!!! Thats a VIP or an Admins Friend remember that, he maybe pay 5$ a month to cheat and be on the White List. When you report to the Admins Server he will either ignore you or laugh about it, like they do here.

    2) Why do you think they put the bans on DISCORD ? So they can just ban you without even contesting your ban, as discord you have to give them mobile number and certain details, where many wont give private info. So there is a Group of Hackers, whos aim is to ban the rebels and

    they could dominate the servers. Again new players wont see the trap and will try to cheat, they get banned and BF4DB made money from GAME SALES !

    3) More BANS = MORE SALES - That is the cycle, BAN -> BUY -> BAN -> BUY....... all for the $$$$

    4) I have been watching this site for long now, and notice even an Admin having names like 'IlIllllIlllIIIlll' which is illegal in the rules, and has stats

    that are obviously cheating stats, but..... he is still here and also an Admin. :) Many report him but its useless as this is a CORRUPT SYSTEM for making money on kids / players who want to have fun.

    5) Why do you think there is VIP on each Server / Patreon on BF4DB ------> MONTHLY PAYMENTS ?

    6) PAY ----> DONT GET BANNED


    I think EA woke up from this CORRUPT SYSTEM long time ago where after Battlefield Hardline, tore up the contacts with some of these Amateur Fraudesters of Admins there are here on BF4DB and Punkbuster.

    Welldone EA for smelling the Coffee.

    Now lets wait for Battlefield 2045. Hopefully these Admin will get banned, as they are skillless and only use hacks due to their inability to play.


    If any of the Best Players want to challange me on 2 Competition Servers with BF4 setup but a PRO JUDGE PC Competion Unit, he is always FREE to try to beat me, but these NOOB, LOW IQ, ADMINS and VIP HACKERS, you find here, only beat you to make you mad and cheat so they can ban you, as in real gameplay in Competition they wont get even 20kills most of them.

    Think before CHEATING, and these Admins are making BIG BIG MONEY from Players like you.

    I posted this on many other Gaming Websites, to expose them. :) They get Butt Hurted so easily ! LOL !!!!


    You can delete my post no problem, the internet is spreading this everywhere, even on facebook to expost your PLANS of banning innocent people and you can hack as much as you like. Thats against the Rules.


    My PC is full of your videos and report you never listens too, all this is EVIDENCE that you are CORRUPT ADMINS, and leave VIP CHEATERS who

    are you friends, playing on BF4.


    BTW - BF4 is costing $1.20 !!! HAHAHAHAHAH ! No more money for you, Piece of Shi7 ! Now you have to go to work like others !

    $1.20 now I can laugh so much !!!!!!!! $1,20 for the game hahahahahaaaha !

    You have been locked in your basement for so long for a $1.20 Game ! LOSERS !

    I have stopped playing this game long time ago, when I started to understand this Puzzle.... So put BF4 in you Fat Asses ! Loser ADMINs !

    CRY NOW ! Coz for me you dont make any Difference ! You will always be LOSERS ! and People need to learn about What you do. LOSERS !


    Let the CLOWN ADMINS start preaching and try to moke me.

    Come on ! Bring it on Snowflakes ! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH !

    Member since June 11, 2021

    Waiting for the ADMINS !

    Wahahahahahahahah ! ..I.. ..I..

    LOSERS ! You will never stop me ! LOSERS ! Nevvvvvvveeeerrr !

    Member since January 04, 2018


    Member since January 04, 2018

    Some quick elements for whoever reads:

    - We're not and have never been affiliated to EA, so we get no money from game sales. BF4DB is a community run project funded by its directors with the help of patreons. The service is completely optional for server owners.

    - We reject anyone applying to our Patreon if they cheated (I think you've experienced that personally).

    - All the donations we get from our Patreons are used to sustain BF4DB, no one is paid, our Patreons can testify since they get monthly financial reports.

    - You're free to report any staff member on our discord if you find any evidence of cheat or involvement in cheating communities, we've fired staff before.

    Also nice skills: 

    Now, in all honesty, I advice you to reach out to mental health specialists that might help you, reading this wall of text is worrying.

    Member since January 04, 2018


    Now lets wait for Battlefield 2045. 


    You can wait for BF 2045 all you want, I'll stick with 2042, hopefully you'll avoid that one.

    Member since September 04, 2019

    Hi, low IQ developer here. This is the best thing I've ever seen in my time at BF4DB. You've made my week :)

    Unverified User
    Member since July 03, 2020

    Alright boomer, thank you for making me laugh after a rough day at work.

    Member since January 08, 2019

    Ok Karen. 

    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 09, 2018

    Its going to be hard for anyone to top this.. Thanks for the laugh, lol

    Retired Staff
    Member since May 27, 2017

    Good read.  Lots of effort went into the OP's post.  :thumbsup:

    Retired Staff
    Member since March 27, 2020

    Imagine being so bad you have to literally rage hack to kill your opponent. Lmao

    Member since January 31, 2021

    Alright guys, gig's up. Let's just go ahead and move to BA.

    Member since May 05, 2017

    Finally some action back on the forum. Had a good laugh. Thanks.

    Member since December 17, 2020


    Unverified User
    Member since July 03, 2020


    Alright guys, gig's up. Let's just go ahead and move to BA.

