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  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    Player being reported:


    82% HSKR  and 45% accuracy with Unica this round. No headshot accuracy like that in other rounds he played. 

    You could say maybe he was just taking him time and aiming for the head this round, but this is the highest KPM (2.75)  of his last 200 battlereports according to bf4cheatreports.

    As supporting evidence, he picked up a pb ban around this time too. 

    Highest headshot rate he ever had by far, highest KPM he ever had, all while maintaining a relatively high accuracy.  You don't kill faster than you ever have, have over twice the accuracy you've ever had, and have over twice the headshots you've ever had all in the same round without some help. 

  • dougandbugs
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    It just looks like he was unlocking the Deagle, which he did. 20 headhots with the Unica.

  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    Yes that would unlock the deagle, but why is his KPM and accuracy twice that of any of his other rounds, all while maintaining an 82% HSKR?

    And for reference, like 3 rounds later he is using the deagle and has a KPM of 0.45 and a low HSKR. Why in the one round I posted is his handgun KPM 6 times higher than his "normal" play?

    It seems like focusing on only headshots would lower KPM and accuracy, but he managed to be very accurate, only hit the head, and kill much quicker this round. 

  • dougandbugs
    Member since September 20, 2017

    He is talking about stat padding

    UNICA's unusually high stats are only for 20kills

    Not strange

    There are many players who do stat padding

    This pic is also an example for DEAGLE unlock


  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    This wasn't a stat padding game though, it was a full server on lockers. And how would he be 45% accuracy if it was stat padding? 

  • dougandbugs
    Member since September 20, 2017

    Stat padding is possible even with a normal server

    If it is a narrow map like TDM, it is a grace

    Many players call for help to unlock DEAGLE

    If his friend is on the enemy team, it will be easier

    Does that mean the accuracy is too low?

  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    This guy picked up a pb ban for an aimbot around the same time this round occured.

    Is it possible he chose to stat pad in a completely full server? Sure.

    Is it also possible he didn't? Yes.

    It's kind of like if he used a railgun in this same round. Is it possible he picked it up from a hacker? Sure.

    Is it possible he didn't? Yes.

    What should BF4DB default to in such a case? 

    If you are stat padding on a full server and didn't take a video of it, how is an anti-cheat service supposed to adopt the default position of stat-padding with no evidence to prove that?

    The only thing proven here is he got a profane HSKR with a really high KPM for him. BF4DB can choose what default position they want to adopt.

    Precedents matter - if a similar battlereport from a lower level player occurs on a full server, why can't they just say they were stat-padding too? Say they were just getting unlocks with a friend in what happens to be a full server? 

  • dougandbugs
    Member since September 20, 2017

    did you open and read the URL posted by GoodFood2K16 on his report page?

  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017


    did you open and read the URL posted by GoodFood2K16 on his report page?

    Yes, did you? Let me quote from it - "The violation can only be used as supporting evidence. "

    The case I made was a punkbuster violation for aimbot at the same time as the battlereport in question with an 82% HSKR.

    That is the definition of supporting evidence.

    The case I made is he has a HSKR and KPM that are impossible according to the rest of his last 200 rounds played, and that with the PB violation makes me think he used some help.

    The case you made is that maybe he was just stat-padding.

    It  was a full server of non stat-padders, so I simply can't be compelled by that argument without a video because any hacker in the world could say that exact same thing.

    And you know what? I'm sure some of them were stat padding in full servers, but without video how do you give them the benefit of the doubt? 

    And I've gone through about half of the enemy team's battereports for that round (the ones I thought most likely) and I can't see any evidence of a guy trading with him. If someone wants to double check, you're welcome to do so.

    The only guys with that many at least as many deaths as he had kills appear to have just been playing the game normally. By this I mean they were also getting kill assist ribbons etc, stuff that you wouldn't get if you were trading. 

    So if your hypothesis is true, his kill trade partner left before the round was over, which makes that story even more nebulous. 

  • dougandbugs
    Member since September 20, 2017

    You don't seem to understand what i mean

    As you said, these are only “guesses”

    For example, if there are multiple players who support DEAGLE unlock, it is also easy to hide the death number using revive

    Or you can reset the stats displayed in the report by re-join the server

    Or his partner may not exist in the report because he was banned by Live checker because HSKR was too High.

    * In fact, BAN will be issued to Live checker when 20hs / 20kill is achieved.

    Or he may have lent an account to a friend to unlock DAGLE

    Yes, all these are just speculations

    But there is no evidence to prove

    Since KPM depends on KDR, his KPM is never high

    With a narrow TDM MAP and a 64-slot server, you can easily get a high KPM.

    And his statistics KPM, KDR, HSKR, ACC are easily replicated

    Not at all high performance

    So there is not enough evidence

    And in this case, reporting requires multiple suspicious HSKR reports

    Or you need a video

    If you think he is a cheater, it's also good to prepare it

    And my English is not good

    Because it ’s not my native language


  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    You're correct, I don't understand what you are saying. In a debate, you have to go point by point and address the other person's arguments, then bring about new arguments. You addressed almost none of mine and just went on new tangents because your previous arguments were proven insufficient. 

    You say - "For example, if there are multiple players who support DEAGLE unlock, it is also easy to hide the death number using revive"

    Show me another player in this game who was unlocking the deagle. Hint - I've looked through the entire enemy team, no Unicas were to be found. Or any weapons with elevated accuracy or HSKR for that matter. They all have other ribbons to suggest they were not killtrading (avenger, savior, spotting etc)

    You say - "Or his partner may not exist in the report because he was banned by Live checker because HSKR was too High."

    Really? So this player wasn't banned by the 82% HSKR, but his imaginary partner was?

    You say - "Yes, all these are just speculations"

    Apply your same logic to any of the last 20 aimbot (elevated HSKR) bans that don't have video. Why couldn't they have just been kill trading in the back with players who can't be found in the battle reports? I dare you to disprove that. I dare you to apply your own logic to any of those cases and then try to disprove it. They are all usually low level players with very few kills with that gun, why couldn't they have just been getting unlocks in the back with their friends? Maybe their friends were even so kind as to let them kill them without reciprocation, and maybe he had multiple friends. Or maybe his friends left halfway through the round, as you suggested. You'll quickly see that BF4DB would have to rescind half of their bans if your logic is followed. 

    You say - "Or he may have lent an account to a friend to unlock DAGLE"

    Really? Your position is maybe he lent it to his friend so he could get a HSKR and KPM this player never even approached in his last 200 rounds? Okay, how about any other of the last 20 hackers banned on here? Maybe they just lent their account to their significantly more skilled friend too?

    You say- "But there is no evidence to prove"

    You haven't read any of this thread so far. 

    You say - "And his statistics KPM, KDR, HSKR, ACC are easily replicated"

    I'd love to see someone with as terrible of stats as this guy get 82% HSKR with 2.75 KPM and 45% accuracy with a Unica on a lockers server.  Easily replicated. 

    You say- "Or you need a video"

    How about he produces a video? How about he produces a video with your hypothesis. Two (or three) imaginary partners kill trading in a non kill trade server who are revive training each other while he shoots them in the head point blank (and he still misses 55% of his shots) and oh by the way they get kicked halfway through the round and he doesn't. Yeah, let's see that video. 

    The only players on the other team with as many deaths as he had kills (potential kill trade partners) were not kill trading. They had kill assist ribbons and avenger ribbons, they were just playing the game.

    Now your idea is that he had multiple kill trade partners, and that they were reviving each other? You've clung to your initial theory, despite any evidence suggesting that. Couldn't we say this exact same thing for any elevated states ever? 

    My point is simple: he had an impossible HSKR ratio with KPM given his last 200 battle reports. He was not kill trading because the only other people on that team with that many deaths were not kill trading.

    So it's either: multiple random guys were hanging out in the back letting this guy kill them and reviving each other while this random guy just shot them in the head (ps if this was the case why did he miss 55% of his shots?)  - or, he had an aimbot at the same time he had a punkbuster violation for an aimbot. 

    The admins can decide. 

    There is literally no evidence to support your position, it is all just postulation. If the admins want to decide the default in this case is kill trading unless there is a video, that's fine. But that is fraught with logical fallacies, and not consistent with previous cases. 

  • dougandbugs
    Member since September 20, 2017


    Your talk is really out of focus

    I talked about guessing, it doesn't prove anything if you deny my guess

    And with handgun HSKR82, Live checker will never issue a ban

    In this case, a higher HSKR is required.

    The video is a video proving his Aimbot use

    This is the reporter you need to prepare

    Do you understand the meaning? menas Specter Video

    And you can check the URL that GoodFood2K16 posted again

    BF4DB's BAN policy also seems to need to be understood

    "VIOLATION (AIMBOT) 51167"

    This ban code has no meaning

    This thread will be closed if there is no other evidence

  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    A - Your talk is really out of focus  

    B - My talk is very much in focus. 

    A - I talked about guessing, it doesn't prove anything if you deny my guess

    B - It doesn't prove anything if you deny my denial. You can't triple stamp a double stamp Lloyd.

    A - And with handgun HSKR82, Live checker will never issue a ban. 

    B - Ahh, so that explains why the imaginary guy isn't in the battlereport. Do you even have proof this server uses a livechecker that bans mid round for elevated HSKR? I thought you said the other imaginary guy was unlocking the Deagle too? In which case, he would be using the Unica and you just said he wouldn't have been kicked for elevated HSKR with a handgun. You're just throwing conflicting stories out there hoping something will stick. 

    A - The video is a video proving his Aimbot use

    B - A video isn't necessary when the stats are completely out of the norm for that player and no evidence of kill trading is present. 

    A - Do you understand the meaning? menas Specter Video

    B - I'll fire the Delorean up to 88 MPH and go back to record this match and then you'll be sorry. 

    A - "VIOLATION (AIMBOT) 51167" This ban code has no meaning

    B - Some erroneous bans were issued starting in 2018, that doesn't mean every punkbuster violation from then on has no meaning if placed in the proper context. That is why BF4DB allows for it to be used as supporting evidence, I suggest you read their policy again. He logs a violation, then has a round during that period that you can only seem to explain with statpadding. Supporting evidence, not standalone evidence.

    A - This thread will be closed if there is no other evidence

    B - So be it. I've made my case based on statistics and the player's history. You've made your case based on ghosts and guesswork. They may choose as they see fit. 

    In order to believe your position, one must accept that this player was kill trading in a full lockers server, was missing over half his shots while kill trading, and the player he was kill trading with got kicked in the middle of the round. There is no evidence of any of those statements, in fact it seems downright silly. 

    In order to believe my position, one must accept that some people are willing to cheat. 

  • dougandbugs
    Member since September 20, 2017

    You really don't seem to understand anything

    Your claim is just a guess and not enough evidence

    Evidence of PB Ban code requires multiple suspicious stats battle reports or Specter videos

    You only presented one battle report

    The explanation is just a guess

    And the battle report might be high stats for noob likes him

    Not enough as proof of Aimbot

    High HSKR battle reports by Magnum, leg, DMR, SR, etc. are basically not treated as Aimbot evidence

    Other multiple battle reports showing Aimbots or videos showing Aimbots are required

    Otherwise this thread makes no sense

  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    Just let them decide, I have a wife in bed waiting to say no to my advances. Have a good evening gentlemen.