    Member since January 04, 2022

    I Think you guys need to refine just what the colours and stats mean on here, if people have a majority of orange or even more than one or two high green stats but defiantly orange yet they get away with it.

    This endless need more prof or insufficient evidence, what are we to do given that almost no servers allow spectate mode ? There must be other markers for triggerbot and ESP usage outside having to use spectator mode.

    I'm obviously willing to accept people are better I'm average at best but the best we can do as a community is to report them and in some cases that leads to report bans for people on here just trying to have good games and rid the community of cheats.

    The amount of ridiculously talented players in general must be sub 5% even less with a game this old yet the sheer amount of so called marked as "Clean stats" is overwhelming if you compared that to the numbers in some players HSKR or damage stats.

    I don't think everybody should get a ban and of course it right they are investigated but at this point, without wide spread use of spectator mode why would anybody bother to report at all if the inevitable outcome is players been set as "clean"

    Member since February 09, 2019

    I agree with you. 

    I always check the headshots and damage. Some players have very high damage.

    The best Gunmaster players don't even have that level of damage. But somehow a lot of players get away with it... 

    Retired Staff
    Member since May 01, 2021

    cheat detection is more than looking for pretty colors on a table that shows overall stats. we almost never use the overall hskr/dmg stats that you see on a player's stat page. overall stats do not give us the full picture. our main asset is http://bf4cheatreport.com.

    and fyi, orange dmg values != cheats. theyre easily achievable by players who mainly play hardcore. 

    >why would anybody bother to report at all if the inevitable outcome is players been set as "clean"

    we cannot do much if nothing in their stats indicate cheating, and if all you do is provide a verbal description of what made you think they are cheating. we try to be as unbiased as possible, and work with what we get/have.

    Member since October 06, 2018

    I don't agree with most of this, but I do agree with the spectator mode issue.

    Whether you just want to satisfy your paranoia or quickly respond when the admins are asleep, turning off spectator mode or whitelisting admins is extremely infuriating for players and potentially attracts more cheaters.

    It means that any potential cheating is up exclusively to the discretion of a few admins, that often don't play the game much and might not spot anything suspicious, even if there is evidence of cheating.

    In this way it hinders the overall transparency and efficiency of cheater detection by the community.

    Anyways, thank you for this opportunity to shit on server operators.

    Member since November 05, 2017

    I feel your pain. I've reported 37 players that were banned, and 5 that were judged "clean". In my experience, the bans are the low-hanging fruit of the player-base, which is obviously a lot better than none at all. I think the report I'm most proud of is the guy that had an impossibly low head-shot kill ratio. 

    Thing is.. I'm convinced that a number of guys I regularly see on server are cheating, but when they're not using a bot, it's pretty much impossible to get the ban. I think they're walling and using a no-recoil macro, so the stats are going to look possible. Even with spec, it's just not enough to get the ban, but again, BF4DB is the only thing that keeps the game viable.