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  • h4iltotheking
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If you seriously tell me there is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with this, you can guarantee I'll never be back here again.

    0:35 the fun REALLY starts.

  • h4iltotheking
    Member since May 05, 2017

    This is not a cheat but a rather rare glitch that also happens with the tank. If you fire your main weapon (on the MAA) or your secondary lmg/smg (on the tank) and quickswitch between your secondary zunis (on the MAA) or your main shell (on the tank) while still holding down your left mousebutton you trigger a small animation glitch that bugs out your ammo count for a second and fires additional animated zunis/tankshells that only exist clientsided. Nobody else but you will see that second tankshell/zuni additional to that those ghost zunis/shells won't do do any damage to enemies.

    Muncho recorded this video for me and hockey yesterday to prove that this is a repeatable glitch and not a hack.

    The next time you are trying to report someone using video footage do more research on how cheats work and which cheats even exist, thanks.

    /Thread closed.
