• gravedigger
    Member since May 30, 2017


    Based on the damage stat for a weapon, and inversing that to 'successful hits / kill' what is acceptable?

    I have done a study of our local players and also champions world wide and just general good players. 

    So for example, on the AEK-971 the default bullets-to-kill is 5 (without headshot, or taking into consideration assist kills). In fact I have repeated this test for AEK, M416, and ACE 23, as well as SCAR-H, and numerous other rifles.

    A few players list at the top for every rifle and beats the default bullets-to-kill. This remains consistent. What is interesting is we have known hacker in our community. He generally goes at 40% to 60% headshots, and is banned on your site, though for some reason continues playing. But he is good for comparison.

    So consistently we have a few players (apparently legit, playing in our top league) that is at the top of these lists, and matches the hacker in most cases on bullets-to-kill, but they have < 20% headshot ratio, so there is a difference. The hacker apparently uses damage mods and aimbot, he turns them on an off, sometimes at the same time.

    So these few players are at the top with this hacker, and beats out all of the world best players, who interestingly always have a bullets-to-kill of at least 5 (except for scar-h which has smaller bullets-to-kill).

    When can one begin to think these people use damage modifiers? And is there someone I can discuss these stats with in more detail?

  • gravedigger
    Member since May 05, 2017

    On our site if a player is above red it means that their hit/kill ratio over 300% above the average hit/kill ratio. Generally this is hacker territory however it can also be triggered by people that use snipers and have pistols to finish off their kills. Orange is around the damage a hardcore player will be doing due to 60% hp. You can discuss it with any of the moderators/administrators on discord or post in the reports section of the forum to discuss. 

  • gravedigger
    Member since May 30, 2017

    Thank you.

    What does it mean generally when a player is orange when he is definitely not a hardcore player? And can one see hardcore kills as opposed to normal kills for a gun?

  • gravedigger
    Member since June 17, 2017

    I'm not sure if gravedigger is still interested in this topic, but i would like to chime in. 

    There is no 100% way to tell a good cheater apart from a non cheater solely by stats, with that said there is a margin for error because skill can be interpreted many different ways. Lets say you take the #1 player in the world and post him in a 1v1 with a notorious hacker that knows his hacks inside and out but also has a higher than average skill in the game. This setup should result in the hacker winning just about every round. Due to his natural skill in the game being above average and the assistance of the hacks. Now lets put that same #1 player against someone that does not have the skill level nor the knowledge of the hack, this should result in the #1 player winning just about every round. HOWEVER! if the hacker is not trying to hide his self then at this point the tables will turn and no one will beat him.

    On the flip side of this stats that are 200-300% above average of a database as large as BF4DB, FF, GCC, PBBANS, ...ect have to raise an eyebrow or two, due to the fact that at 300% that is 3x higher than the baseline of 200k-300k players ... this is why there is a tiered system in place giving a cushion between the tiers Green being avg - +100% Yellow being +100% - +200% and red being 200% - 300% (these numbers are just an example and may not be 100% correct to BF4DB)