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  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    Soldier Name: KillEverForFunn3    

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: yes today,ban was 1 year ago somehow.

    Appeal: I am sorry to bother you all but i haven`t played bf4 in almost a year or maybe more since i have moved on to other games such as arma 3,apex legends i didn`t even have it installed until today when i chose to have a look and the first thing i see is kicked by an admin with an appeal to BF4DB. I think there must be some kind of confusion or i am not sure what happened here.I don`t think i can provide any evidence since it happened 1 year ago and well i also moved countries because of work issues.

    Last thing i remember before i quit with my friend:

    UnicornSlayer213 joined your platoon RepublicanSociety.

    2 years ago

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Soldier Name: KillEverForFunn3    

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: yes today,ban was 1 year ago somehow.

    Appeal: I am sorry to bother you all but i haven`t played bf4 in almost a year or maybe more since i have moved on to other games such as arma 3,apex legends i didn`t even have it installed until today when i chose to have a look and the first thing i see is kicked by an admin with an appeal to BF4DB. I think there must be some kind of confusion or i am not sure what happened here.I don`t think i can provide any evidence since it happened 1 year ago and well i also moved countries because of work issues.

    Last thing i remember before i quit with my friend:

    UnicornSlayer213 joined your platoon RepublicanSociety.

    2 years ago


    Will need an explanation for stats like these.

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    I can`t recall it happened 1 year ago....but i can verify you i wasn`t hacking i have never hacked in any game since it takes out all the fun in the game.

    During my playtime i mostly use the ACE 52 CQB since it was my favorite rifle so it makes sense i am good with it,you can check most matches i only used the ACE 52.

    Also if you check the other weapons i have decent Headshot rates with them.

    I can`t really say anything since it happened 1 year ago and i have no videos,since i i do not record i am sorry to have wasted your time,it is your decision if you consider that i have cheated after checking the hours played and the other games i have on origin plus origin acces i am not that guy that would throw money out of the window.

    Also i have 10 deaths on the log you showed i cheater only has 1 or 2 since i have seen some cheaters myself.

    *Also the map was operation locker - rush- that was close quarter map so low recoil weapons were very good.

    I have no idea how to check the battle report myself otherwise i would ss you but sorry i have used the battletag website very rare as i never needed it i just played.

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017


    These are not normal stats. No matter how much you loveeeeeed the ACE-52-CQB. Seeing as how you had no issue getting such high HSKR with it, you should be able to replicate it. Would you be willing to replicate such battle reports?

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    You are asking me to replicate a battles that i have done over 4 years of playtrough,now in 1 day or less after i just installed the game after 1 year of stop playing it.

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Took you 4 years to reach lvl 55?

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    I have never said i played like an adict,you know people have a life and rather play games for fun.
  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Misread, thought you implied that those rounds were the result of you playing actively for 4 years, which contradicts with the lvl 55 (which can be reached within a few weeks, even less).
  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    As i said i just came back after i stoped playing for a while and didn`t know i was banned so i am sorry but i can`t say anything else in my defence so decide if i can play or not thanks.

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Will you replicate those battle reports or not?
  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    I will try.

    I can`t make any promises.

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Member since July 18, 2019

    Just leave me banned not worth wasting my time anymore with you people,and your rights to even ban people.

  • KillerEverForFunn3
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Ok lol.