Soldier Name: MaDZeM
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal: I've been playing this game since it's came out and since the beginning of a locker server which I usually play in, and suddenly I saw a ban? Can someone explain this to me?
You are not banned by us.
It says: Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: MaDZeM you are BANNED permanent FOR BF4DB Susp. Stats (1060913076) (LINKED ACC 1586312)
Whichever server banned you did it because it links your account to one that is banned by us. But the MaDZem account itself isn't banned. Furthermore I cannot see any solid link between both accounts.
Ok thanks, I'll contact the admin.
You're welcome.
Closing thread.