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  • iWangel
    Member since October 25, 2018

    Soldier Name: iWangel
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
    AppealI want to understand what the problem is?


    "Statistical evidence would suggest a sudden increase in skill attributed to multihack. Appeal denied."

  • iWangel
    Member since October 25, 2018

    Just show me pls a screenshot of statistics.

    This is not logical.  How can this be done?

  • iWangel
    Member since October 25, 2018

    Dear Sovereign_Skies i can show how I play. Give me 72 hours!

  • iWangel
    Member since November 25, 2018

    In your original ban it shows a screenshot of a game where you have 12 kills, but 11 spotting ribbons.  For a spotting ribbon you have to get 4 spot bonuses. For a spot bonus you haveto spot someone that a teammate kills....4 times. 

    So you spotted 44 people, that a teammate killed, with only enough time to get 12 kills in an attack chopper.  This spotting ribbon does not include people you spotted and killed, or people you spotted that didn't get killed and the spot wore off.  So this means you had enough time in the round to get 12 kills with an attack heli, but get 44 spot bonuses.

    The battle report also showed you got 150 points with the engineer class as your highest amount of class score for the round.  You get class score for things that involve using your class's gadgets.  You get class score for using the MAV as recon.  At 25 points per spot bonus among non-squad mates, the minimum class score for using a MAV the entire round, except for a few minutes in the attack heli, would be 1,100 points.  So you didn't use recon and a spot the whole game.  Because your best class score was 150 with the engineer.

    But you only had enough time to get 12 kills with an attack heli.  You can see how this looks suspicious. A "multihack" ban includes the types of exploits or cheats that spot everyone on the enemy team and give you a bunch of spotting ribbons whether you physically spotted them or not.  Whether you could ever even see them or not. 

    I didn't look the battle reports that were used to report you, they were removed by EA a while back.  But i can see the screenshot that was used to ban you.  You have not offered any valid explanations for why there were so many spotting ribbons, nor did they ask for an explanation, despite that being the reason for the ban.  What Sovereign_Skies said was that there was a sudden increase in skill, and he believes it is, at least partially, because of using an exploit or cheat that spots people constantly.  Nothing to address the original ban reason was included in the original appeal, and a lot of people that appeal don't understand how this works.  But if you're going to open a second appeal, at least address the ban reason and offer a plausible reason for it.  If you do then they might be willing to look at it.  Otherwise they will probably warn you not to create another appeal at the risk of a forum account ban on top of the original.

  • iWangel
    Member since October 25, 2018


    In your original ban it shows a screenshot of a game where you have 12 kills, but 11 spotting ribbons.  For a spotting ribbon you have to get 4 spot bonuses. For a spot bonus you haveto spot someone that a teammate kills....4 times. 

    So you spotted 44 people, that a teammate killed, with only enough time to get 12 kills in an attack chopper.  This spotting ribbon does not include people you spotted and killed, or people you spotted that didn't get killed and the spot wore off.  So this means you had enough time in the round to get 12 kills with an attack heli, but get 44 spot bonuses.

    The battle report also showed you got 150 points with the engineer class as your highest amount of class score for the round.  You get class score for things that involve using your class's gadgets.  You get class score for using the MAV as recon.  At 25 points per spot bonus among non-squad mates, the minimum class score for using a MAV the entire round, except for a few minutes in the attack heli, would be 1,100 points.  So you didn't use recon and a spot the whole game.  Because your best class score was 150 with the engineer.

    But you only had enough time to get 12 kills with an attack heli.  You can see how this looks suspicious. A "multihack" ban includes the types of exploits or cheats that spot everyone on the enemy team and give you a bunch of spotting ribbons whether you physically spotted them or not.  Whether you could ever even see them or not. 

    I didn't look the battle reports that were used to report you, they were removed by EA a while back.  But i can see the screenshot that was used to ban you.  You have not offered any valid explanations for why there were so many spotting ribbons, nor did they ask for an explanation, despite that being the reason for the ban.  What Sovereign_Skies said was that there was a sudden increase in skill, and he believes it is, at least partially, because of using an exploit or cheat that spots people constantly.  Nothing to address the original ban reason was included in the original appeal, and a lot of people that appeal don't understand how this works.  But if you're going to open a second appeal, at least address the ban reason and offer a plausible reason for it.  If you do then they might be willing to look at it.  Otherwise they will probably warn you not to create another appeal at the risk of a forum account ban on top of the original.

    I showed how I made these achievements here:

    I can easily show how I did it!

  • iWangel
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Denied and account banned for policy violations.