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  • Dutchmechanic
    Member since March 17, 2019

     first want to introduce myself my name is Dutchmechanic From DCS, I have a question can someone give me an answer.
    Some time ago a member of us was caught using an aimboth.
    So with Dutch combat squad it is the rule if you use cheat it is exit

    because we don't want cheaters in our platoon
    But this player is has stolen our logo and uses the names of our players to make confusion.

    it is very irritating and cyberstalking and I think it is forbidden and against the law
    his name is Daffy_Duck_III and if you search for his name you can see all the names he is abusing, and these are all normal players of our Platoon DCS

    I would like it to stop, can someone help us.

    Best regards Dutchmechanic Admin DCS dutch Combat sqaud

  • Dutchmechanic
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019

    He is already banned by BF4DB, i dont think they can do much more.. your best bet would be to get him banned by fairfight/punkbuster/evenbalance as well..

  • Dutchmechanic
    Member since January 04, 2018

    There's nothing much we can do. Perhaps ask everyone on your platoon to report him on battle log, adding this video and this battle report as evidence.

    EA hardly ever bans people through battlelog reports but if many people do it at the same time a miracle may occur.

    Also try to reach out to the admins of servers he plays on and explain them the situation.

    But besides little stuff like that there's no real solution. Even if EA and servers ban him he can always get a stolen account for cheap and start again.

  • Dutchmechanic
    Member since March 17, 2019


    He is already banned by BF4DB, i dont think they can do much more.. your best bet would be to get him banned by fairfight/punkbuster/evenbalance as well..

    Oke Thanks, i have now report him on 247FairPlay thanks for your feedback

  • Dutchmechanic
    Member since March 17, 2019


    There's nothing much we can do. Perhaps ask everyone on your platoon to report him on battle log, adding this video and this battle report as evidence.

    EA hardly ever bans people through battlelog reports but if many people do it at the same time a miracle may occur.

    Also try to reach out to the admins of servers he plays on and explain them the situation.

    But besides little stuff like that there's no real solution. Even if EA and servers ban him he can always get a stolen account for cheap and start again.

    And we report him on battelog by all our members also thanks for your feedback.

  • Dutchmechanic
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Good luck with all that.

    Thread closed.