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Joined BF4DB: May 15, 2018
Last Online: 3 years ago


Suspicious stats 5 years ago

Guy that only played less than 3 hours does 24 headshots over 57 kills. Said he had over 4000 hours on another account,but didn't want to say which one and can't really find another acount.




His accuracy is according to this ~25% with more than one third (sorry just under .. ) headshots,

HelloMrKenobe - BF4 Player stats

maybe to soon and maybe just one heck of a player with that 22% accuracy,but raised a flag with me.

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gamehack 88001 6 years ago

I have been banned under the primary account of Vic_dutchy for gamehack 88001 earlier this year (think in April),


Date Added April 2, 2018 8:01 am Game Battlefield 4 Links ID 416987 xmlfeed.gif Appeal

Player Data GUID aedde88086821d332cec54b272481edb ( MPi ) Alias Vic_dutchy ( BtLog | GT ) IP Address 83.80.*.* Violation Data Type Even Balance Violation Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 88001

this next account yumyumprum was linked to it,

yumyumprum | BF4DB

seems that linked accounts for people who are accused of this seem to be able to get unbanned according to the next thread,


So i would like to appeal for the account yumyumprum. Don't know if i have to claim Vic_dutchy as well,but let me know if i need to.Since logged in as yumyumprum can i not do this at this moment.

I do have a second appeal going on for Vic_dutchy,but have little hope since already got the stock responses for the second time again.


maybe in time (the situation i explained) relevant for this thread,

PB codes 86001, 88001, and 52120 | BF4DB



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Linked account, 6 years ago


i'd like to make an appeal for my second account "yumyumprum",it has been banned as "linked account" and yes Vic_dutchy is my first account.I get that you want to keep cheaters of the servers,but to this day don't even know why my first account was banned other than "gamehack 88001" which doesn't say anything.I tried to work this out with Punkbuster,but they are not very compelled to work with you when appealing.
only having Punkbuster twice seems a reason to me,but "Alex.J" seems convinced that this cannot make a ban occur.
I reinstalled windows on my main gamemachine and this somehow came of it, for which seems there is nothing i can do about it.
What i don't get is that i try to play again on my second account,freshly paid for,and now i cannot on all servers for linked account.Seems like when in real life you steal a car you just have to go to prison for life,which seems steep to me.
Here's a thread where more seems to have been banned on the same cheat according to this wave,most are flabbergasted,
said some things here as well,but was (and still am a little) pissed by this "linked ban".One of the admins of JAH warriors is in this thread "Kiplings_Error_3" and i'm pretty sure he checked me out and found nothing for there's nothing to be found.
This is becoming on more and more servers,even not protected by you,a problem

I have to accept that my first account was banned by you,though you look at my stats and you'll see nothing unusual,but do want to make a request for having my second account unbanned.I hope you don't dismiss this lightly, i really like to play this game.



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