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Joined BF4DB: Feb 6, 2018
Last Online: 5 years ago


Suspicious Stats Again 6 years ago

Hey there, I`m writing this one more time because my last apply was declined, please I know I was cheating and that was stupid I`ve made big mistake but please I want to play bf fair, I want to have fun when playing bf again. Right now I can`t play anywhere bcs of it please give me one more chance, I wasn`t banned ever before. I`m so sorry for everyone and I promise this won`t happen again

There is link my first appeal: https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/suspicious-stats-977

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Suspicious Stats 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile:



Suspicious stats https://bf4db.com/player/ban/878596577


Hello, I got banned on your servers because of my suspicious statisctic. Yes its true one day I decided to download this stupid cheat, but that was about 10 mounths ago, from this time I wasn`t playing that much Battlefield and I wasn`t cheating anymore. I don`t really now why did I do that but now I literally can`t play. I`m so sorry for that I`ve done but now I want to play again but fair without cheats. Btw. I love playing fps games like cs:go and my aim is very good, I`m not bragging in anyway just saying I`m somekind of maniac of fps games where aim and movement is number one priority(I`m traning very hard i spend a lot of hours in front of my screen I`m some type of tryhard).

Additional Information:

Sorry for my not to perfect english 

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