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Joined BF4DB: Aug 12, 2019
Last Online: 5 years ago


a big f*ck you to the admins 5 years ago

just to let you guys know, BF4DB should be considered polite... i wish you guys have an amazing life and enjoy a good day.

T H A N K  Y O U! 

Edited to make this thread more family-friendly.

2 Replies 693 Views

PLEASE unban my hacked account... 5 years ago

yep, another story of banned account, but i have enough proof...

i just found out that my login and password are shared publicly on the internet. a simple leecher program can do a search in no time, lol!

I even got myself disconnecting from my session many many times and i lost access to my email. My official email is [HIDDEN] (yes, i was living in belgium the past year, currently back to brazil), but i already contacted my past ISP from belgium. 

here is the proof: [HIDDEN]
Press control F on the page, search for [HIDDEN], you will see the PW and feel free to test it...

I know and agree that my account is my responsability, but let me just prove you guys i'm not the one hacking... I appreciate your work in keeping this game safe from hackers, but I do not consider it fair to take the blame from the actions of others.
see image below:

Whatever is your decision, please don't close this topic, so i can reply, ok? i will do my best to prove this wasn't me! PLEASE, i don't want to stop playing this game, fair, off course!


1 Reply 525 Views