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Joined BF4DB: Jun 26, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


Ban appeal 4 years ago

Player id: Thenooblawyer

linked to bf4db solider profile:

Have you claimed your solider? Yes!

Appeal: I have never used cheats .Both in game or my real life. (Plus my k/d is 0.9.... ) I don't know why I just got banned. The only thing that could ring a bell is I did the "kill-trading" thing with my friend before . But that was like 5 or 6 months ago when I just bought BF4 and have no guns to use.  The only reason I did that kill-trading thing was to unlock my guns to and that's it. The most important thing is I didn't even  know that do the kill-trading to unlock weapons was forbidden until now.  I promise I will not do that kill-trading thing again( the last time I did  that thing was actually 5 months ago) Here's a list of weapons that I used for kill_trading : CS-LR4 sniper rifle , G18, Groza-1, M412Rex, 95-1 AR,M98B. please let me know if theres any other suspicious stat about my account. Cheers !

Chinese version: 我来没打游戏作弊过,作弊是严重的破坏游戏公平性的行为,同时也会让游戏体验本身索然无趣。所以当我得知我因作弊被封禁时我十分震惊。唯一能让我有印象的就是我在刚刚购买战地四游戏的时候曾经和我朋友一起刷枪过,但这也是5或6个月之前的事情了。我刷枪的唯一原因只是为了能尽快解锁枪支而已,绝无破坏游戏平衡性的意图或实际造成游戏平衡性被破坏的结果。最重要的是在彼时我甚至都不知道刷枪是违反EA游戏规定的,法律也有所谓“法的明确性”的原则,亦即法律若不够明确或立法机关行政机关未努力使人民得知有此项法规进而理解的话,人民若违反此项法规则应该不受处罚,是为尽保护人民权利之最大可能也。而我也在此保证我个人在今后也绝对不会再进行刷枪这一违规行为。以下是我刷枪时使用的武器: CS-LR4 sniper rifle , G18, Groza-1, M412Rex, 95-1 AR,M98B。希望各位大大赶快把我从小黑屋里放出来,不胜感激!

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