

Forum Rep








Joined BF4DB: Aug 6, 2017
Last Online: 6 years ago


Ban Appeal 7 years ago


My battlefield 4 ID is static1120
My GUID is a520e95f0209d34cc72ce52cdb5ef783

little background
3 weeks ago I was reported by a server admin on this website, I was playing Team death match on a server with around 8-10 people, I honestly had the most amazing squad that day we where doing amazing. constant communication and help, that lead us to doing an extremely well job. I was playing and talking with my squad when I suddenly get kicked, saying I have been banned by an admin. I was very upset that an admin would ban someone just because they are doing very good at a game, (well in reality he probably assumed I was cheating when I really wasn't)
Im not sure if this admin was the same one who filed the report on me here, but it happened at around the same time. I tried to join the server again and would get kicked and saw BF4DB on the chat before getting kicked and that lead me here.

After realizing my GUID was blacklisted I made an account here and noticed there was a ban on GGC almost 3-4 months ago, this made me think the admin cross-checked with other 3rd party banning sites, saw that I was in their blacklist and was enough to assume I was cheating when he banned me from his server and reported me here.

I got in contact with GGC to ban my appeal

This is the conversation we had 

     [ Staffnote; Screenshots removed due to request by GGC. ]

Here is what I was able to find when he told me the file name 

if its a bit hard to see the image I had to right click and go open in a new tab, to view it off imgur. 

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