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Joined BF4DB: Dec 3, 2018
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FINAL BAN APPEAL 5 years ago


How dare you. i don't care that you say  i played with that person many rounds , i can play with whom i want million years, you have no right to tell me whom to play with, if other person hacks, it is his problem not mine. ALso where did you get info that i play with him all the time allegedly? my round history is locked. Did you give the video evidence of us playing all the time? Or do you only say what you want?  i have every right to spawn on any player in game and to stay anywhere i want if the place i stay at is not inside texture or layer where i can't be killed. Roof is not glitch. There are many ways to climb roof without hack, look youtube.   If you don't lift this unlawful ban i will go directly to EA.  I have had enough with that bearded moderator who first called me multihacker and lied about me, although he had watched the same damn video where no hacking of me is seen. After i sorted that out and caught him lying, he came back to change the reason. You can suspect anyone of anything, but before you ban, provide evidence. Give me evidence also that Dewcifer69 was flying? where is evidence that he hacked?  you don't see his name when some player  is flying. Just because video at some point shows him in squad with me, doesn't mean he had any hack. It could have been anyone flying. Did you actually prove who was flying with evidence?  i told you i had spawned on another player, but i can change squads many times in round, you don't see in video of me spawning or at what point i spawned and on whom and when i had spawned on that roof. When video shows my squad with dewcifer69, i could have spawned on another player 5 minutes ago and changed squad to join dewcifer69 or vice versa. If you accuse, give hard evidence with video of hacking moment with player name visible.  Your saying that you know me and my roof camping with one player or another means nothing in court of law, you can allege all you want, but you have to have evidence. Please show video of any hacking player where it is visible that it is the same person and he is caught flying with his name visible.   I am making all screenshots and i will go to EA forums and you will be reported for negligence and false accusation without evidence. I don;t care about video of me sitting on roof.

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How dare that moderator to ban me without any hack prove?    I can spawn million times on anyone i chose, it is not anyone's busines. It is up to server admin to put ban personally if he doesn't want me to spawn on roof.  I thought your job is to block hackers with hack not to dabble into personal server rules of each server. Some servers allow roofing.  Also, sitting on roof is not glitch. Glitch is entering inside textures and layers of buildings. Glitch is progam strip or structure that doesn't work that was programmed to work. For instance if you can walk inside a wall like a ghost, it means glitching, because the programmed and drawn wall textures does not work to block the player from going inside, this is program glitch.  Sitting on roof is sitting on roof, like sitting on any other object, it is not entering any textures or layers. Also glitching means unbeatable advantage, like if you are inside wall, nobody can't kill you, this is glitching. If you are on roof, you are viable to be killed by anyone with any gun.  One of your moderators are completely not up to par to even moderate things if they don't know what is technically and officially glitch.  Also the same moderator first time gave me ban for multihack, which technically means he lied, although he used the same recorded video in which no evidence seen that i use hack. After i complained and he got caught with false conviction, now he changed his reason form multihack to map.  So let's deal with that. If he says map, so map is not bannable. It is up to individual server admins to decide if they allow roof camping. It is not hacking. It is not glitching. So if that modertor stated reason "map", why did he further say that he is banning me for "glitching". Reason of ban he wrote "map", but call me "glitching". These are two separate technical things. I don't glitch, i don't put on hack. I have every right to spawn on any player i want, it is not my duty to catch him hacking.

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BAN APPEAL 5 years ago


Excuse me, how could anyone call me using multihack by this claim and video:

Evidence of me using multihack please? Have you looked video?  At 09 sec It shows Blondie player being killed and falling dead body off the roof, kill register on upper right screen shows it is Blondie. So when  dead Blondie is falling off the roof, we see another guy flying that moment, so it can't be Blondie flying with multihack.  Whoever is using multihack to fly is not Blondie. We see in video some player flying but it doesn't show nickname who is flying.  The guy who is reporting is making false accusations without evidence. He can't say it is me flying if video shows some another player fly in the air while Blondie is dead falling off the roof . H can't even say who is flying cos we don't see nickname in flying. And it could not be me flying because video shows me falling dead. Look at video closely, this liar sees a player with no name leaving the roof and flying  to another roof, but he still goes to the first roof to kill another guy who didn't fly off and was left sitting on that roof with beacon - ME!   It was another guy who flew off the roof and i was left sitting on that roof cos i had spawned on him and set beacon. It was another player  hacking, i only spawned on him and i happened to spawn when he was on roof.  Spawning on a player when he is on roof is not multihack. Ban the player who is using multihack. I have been playing this game 8000 hours with no hack,  Check it out.  If they want me to ban  for flying with multihack as they put lies about me, than let them please record a video of me with my name visible how i fly in the air and then ban. Until then, how dare anyone accuse me falsely that i fly with hack. I only spawned. If admin didnlt like me that i spawn on some hacker on roof he can ban me personally on that server, but it is not multihacking. Hereby i insist you to clear my name. And those liars who told lies about me should be ashamed, just because they killed me on roof doesn't mean  i was the one hacking multihack and they know it and video don't show me hacking. The only thing that video is showing that i was sitting on roof and i got shot while another players is flying that moment. Thank you

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BAN APPEAL 5 years ago


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This payer has been caught

just look at his fairplay detection. And yet your page made him "CLEAN". How can this be?   Please look at this evidence

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