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Joined BF4DB: Jan 14, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


Banned for suspicious stats 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile:


Suspicious Stats


I have been playing BF franchise for a relatively long time and months ago after reaching the max level in BF1, I decided to come back to BF4 and play some modern weapon.

I was playing with my friend today on a server when message popped up saying

[BF4DB]MG-Fanatic-Hippo is banned for suspicious stats.

I can't remember the exact sentence. However, I was not kicked by the server and stayed there for several rounds as my friend kept playing there. This message just kept popping up. Several other players also got similar message saying he/she is banned for multihack or some other reason all the time but the server didn't kick them.

I was confused and somewhat curious about BF4DB. That is why I found my way here. Your page here said the cheating possibility of my account is 100%.

I checked my diagram and didn't seem to understand what is wrong. As it was my 1st time visiting this site, I called some of my friends who reported hackers here. They told me that my diagram was not something crazy.

I tried my best to recall. I did do something bad in game. Long ago, I rented a server with my friends to unlock some weapons and gadgets that requires both grind and luck. We also tried to find out how far can we make headshots possible. I achieved a ridiculous 1700+ meter headshot and one of my friends even did 2400+ (at least 2000+). I knew that was not possible in regular gameplay. We ended up landing choppers outside the boundary and shooting each other a lot. We thought it was fun and earned a great amount of XP(back then headshot kill distance will become XP like what is happening in BF1). We didn't do this to get insane KDr or statpadding on purpose.

I told other guys about our experiments and considered the XP gained is a by-product. I knew it is somehow not good but I was not meant to exploit the game mechanism. After that, I just played the game as a normal player.

Note that I prefer 60hp server to get quick kills in order to unlock accesories faster these days.

Even I was not kicked back then, I am haunted by the message. I had followed the guide and claimed my EA account in this website.

Please help me!

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