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Joined BF4DB: Nov 21, 2020
Last Online: 3 years ago


me ajudem pvf 3 years ago

I don't know if you care what's going on. I live in a house with 3 people who play several games on the same pc. i play bf since 2142. my roommates play for fun we only have 1 pc at home for 3 i take care of my honesty in the games i play i don't see the fun of using cheating i'm just sad with the bf community for banning honest players is accusing me of having an account called terezinha and I don’t own that account. I am being punished in the name of someone else this is not fair. it would be if i had cheated a person banishes me by aimbot when i was level 11 i'm at 51 playing honestly and after being accused of being the owner of this account of tereza being that i am not. I just want my account back failed in the ban. I am willing to do anything on my own Thanks for everyone's attention I ask your help to correct this error

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por favor gente 3 years ago

how come people don't use anything like some time this account you marked is not mine as well as 3 people live in the same house for 1 pc all use the same pc plus each one with their account we will talk about it i have nothing to do with this little girl there

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fui banida sem provas injustamente 3 years ago

KarekCat  essa pessoa me banned  sem provas me acusando de aimbot para ser sincera sei por pesquisa oque isso quer dizer você esta fazendo uma injustiça com uma jogadora honesta KarekCat  apareça e vomos esclarecer o motivo desse ban sem provas já expliquei oque tinha que ser explicado  vocês do forum podem ver que minha taxa de kill no game sempre foram altas desdo inicio podem ver no meu perfil sou variada jogo com todos os tipos de arma do game KarekCat quero minha conta de volta me dediquei muito a ela na mais de 40 horas de jogo isso e injusto e se eu fosse hack como  você diz eu não estaria aqui se fazendo de vitima UM BAN EXTREMAMENTE FALHO 

KarekCat this person banned me without evidence accusing me of aimbot to be honest I know from research what this means you are doing an injustice to an honest player KarekCat appear and we will clarify the reason for this ban without evidence I already explained what had to be explained you of the forum can see that my kill rate in the game has always been high since the beginning you can see in my profile I am varied game with all types of weapon in the game KarekCat I want my account back I dedicated myself very much to it in over 40 hours of play this and unfair and if i were a hack like you say i wouldn't be here making myself a victim AN EXTREMELY FAILED BAN                

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fui banida injustamente me ajudem 3 years ago

fui logar na minha conta e fui banida inesperadamente sou uma jogadora honesta minha taxa me mortes no game sempre foram alta seria por conta disso me ajudem pvf so quero o game de volta dediquei muitas horas no game direto pvf

9 Replies 796 Views

gente fui banida do nada 3 years ago

fui banida do nada com mais de 40 horas de jogo como assim alguem me ajuda pvf

aimbot como assim multhack gente so sei joga pvf :[

desdo meu inicio de jogo minhas kill sempre foi acima de 30 sou honesta isso e injusto me ajudem

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alguem pode me ajudar ? 3 years ago

estou sendo acusada de trapaça com 26% sou uma jogadora honesta só tenho noção do jogo tenho medo de perde minha conta é o game pvf me ajuda


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