Reason: Suspicious Stats
Greetings. First, I'd like at least to understand my situation. I mean, I couldn't find the exact circunstances in which I was banned. I believe that it was the sitebot and it was due to "suspicious stats".
I came to know about this ban when a player began to yell I was a hacker in a server I've been playing for years (of course this server is not protected by BF4DB as I still play there). He said I was banned here, but I didn't understand what he was talking about (I didn't know about BF4DB prior to this appeal) so I just ignored him. Today I tried to play at Banzore and it said I was banned so I came here straight away.
Apart from that, I was banned from a server sometime ago because I was playing w/o punkbuster. What happened, I believe, is that I recently formated my pc and "installed" the BF4 files I already had on my D:\ drive so I forgot to reinstall the PB app, but that's already been solved. I'd like to know, is this ban related to the ban here?
Can an adm show/tell me specifically which stats are suspicious?
Is there a reason the search shows two of me?
Is there a reason the profile says I changed my nick a week ago, even if my nick was literally the same?
I am willing to record my gameplay if needed, besides that I don't know what else I can do...