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Joined BF4DB: Dec 12, 2017
Last Online: 6 years ago


Meatbullets2017 6 years ago

I am reporting this incident to the EA Legal Staff today.

1.  You show me a totally unassociated report to someone that has copied my name almost exaclt, but witrh a totally different GUID.  Yes they accounts you showed me with the stats you claim are suspect are not mine nor are they associated.  Someone used my name almost lettter for letter but used capital I in lstead of L.  Most likely someone I reported.

2.  Next when that doesn't work you claim because of one of my childrens accounts you are banning me.  

3.  You claim that my story which is complete truth about being disables and being amediocre player is generic.

4.  You violate EA terms of service and a compelttely discriminatiing.

5.  I paid for a license key usage rights for an EA game which you are denying me access to.

6.  My account shows no sighs of cheating or a ban at all.

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BAN APPEAL - MEATBULLETS2017 6 years ago


BF4DB Profile:


Member since 7 months ago
1 week ago #

Member since 7 months ago 
 This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin
Reason: Suspicious Stats
This thread is now closed


There is no evidence, I do not even recall the game, but most likely at best I had some coffee and a coke and was feeling good and had a good night or a few rounds which for me is not often since I am mentally disabled and generally it takes a lot for me to feel "clear" and play well.   I do feel my skill is getting better, but on many days I am slow and revert to ramming and rockets on people.  My sniping is improving and on certain days when I feel good I can push out several good rounds as I feel sharp.  But still mostly I rely on my skill hiding in spots and camping.  I have noticed if I get a night or round when the pilots playing are ppor I can do well in a chopper or jet.  That it.  Not much else to say.  I have noticed when playing late though on higer ping servers I do better, but I am not sure if that is becuase of the higher pings generally over 100 or the fact that the people on those servers have less skill. Still I do love camping and hiding the most.

Additional Information:

Not much else to add really since I do not record my rounds or anything like that.  I did geta new video card which is great since my pc is a 9 year old dell studio.  Finally upgraded from 1 gig video to a gtx960 which for me is ahuge jump.

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