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Joined BF4DB: Jun 25, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


Ban Linked Account 6 years ago

First of all please excuse me in case any grammatical errors here since English  is not my first language.

I have been using this account for the past 2 years without any issue.

When my son graduated in the university, 6 or 7 months ago, I did buy a new copy of the bf4 to be able to play with him. One month after that he got a job and had no time to play anymore since the job was full time. So I met a friend when I was playing Warface and decided to give him the bf4 as a gift since he had no money to buy one. Now after been banned I saw the reason and imediatily call him to understand what was happining. He told me that he used some kind of aimbod virus/program, sorry I am not sure what was, that is not allowed in bf4. I explain to him what that caused to my account, and imediatily asked him my account back and I will delete it. Additionally to that I have in my PC Norton utility installed, and that will prevent any kind of that virus/program to infect my computer. so it will not affect my bf4.

Based on that, I would like to say that I am very sorry that my friend caused so many problems to you, and as soon as I get the bf4 I gave to him back I will delete it.

Please let me know if you need any additional information to lift my ban.

Thank you in advance for you attention.


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