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Joined BF4DB: Jul 23, 2020
Last Online: 3 years ago


BF4DB Ban Appeal 4 years ago

Soldier Name : Letsbehonestnow

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile : https://bf4db.com/player/1856226642

Have You Claimed Your Soldier : Yes.

Appeal: I go to play a little before I go to work this morning to find out I'm banned, and the guy that reports me is from a game where I was going 3k/9 deaths playing in a tank. That was the one of the only 2-3 games I had time for before going to inspect a roof. But the reason I was reported was for "aimbot" which is ridiculous. The reason the Admin banned me was for my HSKR, which from my history on BF4 I love to play the Hard Core operation locker servers, and Hard Core rush servers and run FLIR sights xD I swear its the best. The stats I have that are "above average" are: M412REX 35k/11hs=31% HSKR, MG4 99k/35hs=35%HSKR, M240 56k/23hs=41%HSKR, and then the MK11 61k/22hs=36% HSKR. The above mentioned highlighted guns are nothing crazy in terms of kills or really even headshots. Play Operation Locker HardCore Slap a FLIR scope on and prone. Then with the Rex it handles just like the Deagle from CoD does, or any gun from R6 Siege. Those are the ones highlighted on the report. Yet my CS5 with 11k/9hs=81% HSKR isnt among those highlighted as "sus". I don't know the standards and whats normal for BattleField4 for the PC in terms of stats but playing R6 Community Comp(not ranked) and CoD and Valorant in terms of k,hs,HSKR per weapon,but it just seems to me that I got reported by some guy that I killed probably as an infantry from the Tank I was in got salty and reported me. Since I played 1 maybe 2 games from one roof inspection to the other and I didn't really want to play CoD and didnt have the time to play Valorant or Siege. The HSKR averages for those weapons are from 19.4%-20.92%. My overall basic stats are: 940k, 776d, 292hs, 4057hits, skill 281. So relatively above average nothing crazy or "sus"..

Here are the 2 game I played before work:


Here are how I usually do in games i.e. (HC Operation Locker or HC Rush):






Here are the Weapon/Kits I loadout for HC, Especially locker since thats what I mostly play:


My Battle Reports showing I mainly play HC OP Locker:


I did notice this however this morning yesterday I remember after one of the game I played was over I was in like Division 5 SPM, but looking at my actual profile this morning it says I'm in Division 1 SPM.. So I may need to Change my Password for my Origin, But I did have a 200xp booster activated from a battlepack plus the "2x" global xp so I don't know haha.


I generally play CoD MW, Valorant, Rainbow 6 Siege(over 1000 hours), so Accuracy is kinda something that playing those type games you need. I have BF4 and BF3 and BFBC2 on my PC because a change of scenery time to time is nice, nostalgia for sure! 

I'll post a link to some of my clips from siege to show on a skill basis how I'm coming in FPS titles in general.








I hope some of this helps in terms of determining my ban status. I stopped streaming since my Wife and I are having a baby next month and I've been doing Storm Restoration on roofs where I live and I have hardly anytime to play very much like I used to. Even when I did have time, and needed a break from absolute sweats on CoD, R6, and Valorant, I load up Battlefield whichever it may be, since BFBC2 got my to fall in love with the Battlefield Franchise when I was in Highschool, and I was actually saddened to know that on my BF4 account I got  I am a filthy casual in Battlefield don't get me wrong, but there is nothing better than slapping a FLIR 2x on a DMR or LMG after getting mad at sweats on another game, going into Operation Locker and going prone and having your way with the enemies that feed the halls xD.



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