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Joined BF4DB: Aug 5, 2019
Last Online: 4 years ago


Ban appeal (recent ban) 4 years ago


Soldier Name: Usine-A-Gode (has been claimed)

I've seen myself banned recently (https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/usine-a-gode-glitchingprev-clean-5241)
it is true that i've found myself inside a wall on Hainan Resort. i just spawned on a guy who was inside the wall near elevator and i was thinking that he was in elevator.
when i spawned i just was threw on a strange green floor, thinking that it was a bug. you can see on the video in the link up there that i did'nt make any kills before him and he cuts right after i killed him and what is not showed is that a few minutes later i ust realised that it was a bug and that ennemies couldn't reach me and i just killed myself to spawn on a flag. i do understand the ban because it's on video but i need you to belive me because i'm a fair player and i don't have any reasons to start glitching at lvl 99...
thank you all for reading this appeal.

4 Replies 996 Views

BAN APPEAL 5 years ago

Soldier Name: call-0673344487
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile: https://bf4db.com/player/949145864
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: yes
Appeal: hello, I did'nt play bf4 for a while now. this week i borrowed a computer from a friend and tried to play again. i saw that i was banned from many server and so, on bf4db. It seems like I have suspicious stats and I don't understand why. i use to be a big player and played for hours in a row. I always tried to be a fair player and i never used cheats in any ways. thank you for reading my thread and for taking attention to my case, i wish this will conclude in a good way, greetings.

1 Reply 692 Views