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Joined BF4DB: Dec 31, 2019
Last Online: 4 years ago


Ban Appeal for "glitching" 4 years ago

Soldier Name: ja534
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile: https://bf4db.com/player/952695010
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal: So a couple of days ago I was playing Hainan Resort with some of my buddies (as you can probably see in the report that got me banned, as he submitted video evidence ) and we were messing around trying to get a Jeep to the roof using the elevator, after trying to put it into the elevator we couldn't press the button as the vehicle was in the way and we had to move it, so of course we tried to get it out and i had the "bright" idea to get on top of it. Of course it seems like literally everyone on bf4 community knew that the top of the elevator has no collision and you can go through it. But i didn't and ended up on top of the elevator, I couldn't get out the way I entered so i started doing some testing (as it's very unusual to be able to go through a wall) before redeploying.

So I blew up the jeep to mess with my friends and killed 2 times the guy that got me reported.

At this point I would understand getting banned from a server as I probably broke the rule that servers have about glitches (i got into a similar situation last year for messing around on another map but the admin was kind enough to let me go with a slap on the wrist) but getting banned from a great chunk of the current battlefield servers for just a glitch that probably didn't even last more than 1 minute and literally didn't gave me any benefit seems excessive. All the good servers are BF4DB protected so they are hacker-free and getting treated like a cheater and party pooper for getting glitched and being excluded from playing on any of them seems unfair in my point of view.

I would understand not getting the ban lifted as I don't have any video proof of the events, but i have good faith that the volunteers in this project can be comprehensive and understand that this is a mistake that won't be repeated. Also I would like to add that the Banning Terms and Policy section on Glitching is pretty vague, at least in cases like mine that looks like a glitch is being with malicious intent but it isn't.

Kind Regards and Happy New Year

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