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Joined BF4DB: Jun 25, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


iiTzAversion - Ban Appeal 4 years ago

Soldier Name: iiTzAversion
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal:  Hello, I was banned earlier today out of the blue. I was accused of cheating a few times due to my low level and highish skill. (I guess? I dont think im that good buut whatever lol) As far as I know, I was spectated a few times, and even in chat, which I was very active in, nobody seemed to have said anything about physically seeing me cheating. The only reason I say I was spectated is because a user had mentioned that I left while being spectated once. I explained that it was a coincidence and that i had no idea that i was even being spectated. Im going to say its safe to assume that he spectated me again after, since i played a few days after that event and nothing was said. I reviewed your banning policy, and I also looked at your evidence against me, and I can admit that I have a controller that allows me to shoot a little faster than normal, but i really wasnt hacking, lol. Which, in the banning policy, I did not see anything against controllers such as what I have. To be honest, I did not think something like that would be ban worthy? I never carried super hard, and even went negative a few games. I felt as though I didnt have a super high advantage, if any. Considering that i was playing with a controller, rather than KB/M.  If the results that lead to my ban arent due to my controller, then im really not sure what or why I would be considered to be using a "damage mod" because I was not using any mods. I really enjoyed the servers I was playing in the past few days, and I apologize for using the controller. If possible, I would like to be unbanned. I'll do whatever, tbh. A second chance to prove myself! If you'd like, i will even reset my stats and start from scratch.  In Conclusion, I hope to hear from you soon! Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.

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