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Joined BF4DB: May 5, 2017
Last Online: 6 years ago


Updated Ban Policy: May 20, 2017 7 years ago

At BF4DB, transparency is one of the most important tenents of accountability.  For this reason, any changes to the ban policy will be publicly posted for review and feedback.  

New Ban Policy Changes -- May 20, 2017

  • Added a new category for Glitching and Stat-Padding; any offenses to glitching or stat-padding will not be considered bannable; but players run risk of being identified as one or the other for server admins to review;
  • All glitching and stat-padding offenses must have occurred within one calendar year;
  • Added details to Third Party Bans (Clans / Communities) to have evidence within the framework of the BF4DB Ban Policy;
  • Added clarification to what constitutes as concurrent ban in Third Party Evidence category; 
  • Added Fair Fight category -- specifically to add policy for bans for resets or proof of a Fair Fight ban;

Regarding Glitching and Stat-Padding, the BF4DB administration staff unanimously agrees that no one will be banned for either offenses.  We will be adding a profile tag for those who were caught doing either offense.  Please bear in mind that we will not be tagging anyone who committed these offense more than one calendar year of the report.  This is to keep the number of reports low and to mitigate the consequences for those who are not frequently active or did it to pick up the Phantom Bow or other Community Missions.  We reserve the right to make further adjustments to this policy.  

Furthermore, you can see why the glitching policy was added to BF4DB in this thread.   I was really unhappy with the way the appeal was done by myself, and I wanted to make sure it doesn't happen again.  

Clarification to Clans / Communities bans was added to ensure anyone reporting those who were banned from their server must meet the thresholds of our Ban Policy.  If not, those reported will not be banned.  You MUST have evidence of cheating.  

Concurrent bans are considered "same time" or within the framework of BF4DB, active.  Any ban occurring in future iterations of Battlefield 4, such as Hardline, Battlefield One, or the next installment of Battlefield, will be considered an active ban in Battlefield 4.  Please be aware that if you do report anyone who was banned in Battlefield One or Hardline, that we reserve the right to reject these reports if the threshold does not match our own policies.  

I added clarification to Fair Fight resets because it shows the players was officially discovered to be doing something unsavory in-game.  Whether that has to do with stat-padding or glitching isn't of consequence to us.  All Fair Fight resets and bans supersedes BF4DB's ban policy. 

Thank you, and we are looking forward to your feed back.

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Ban Policy Changes 7 years ago

At BF4DB, transparency is one of the most important tenets of accountability.  For this reason, any changes to the ban policy will be publicly posted for review and feedback.  

New Ban Policy Changes -- May 15, 2017

  • Removed Metabans from Third Party Evidence section.  
  • Added ACI details to Third Party Evidence section with specific clarification regarding static and dynamic IP links to banned accounts.
  • Added Clan / Community as the main descriptor of Third Party bans in the Third Party Evidence Section

Regarding the removal of Metabans, we have determined that the autonomous feature of Metabans (i.e., without any oversight) makes it an impossibly unreliable source to use.  For this reason, it has been removed from the Ban Policy language.  It can still be used to show name changes or other circumstantial evidence, but we will no longer accept Metabans as a primary or main supporting source of evidence.

Regarding the ACI policy, absolutely no screenshots or information from ACI will be allowed to be posted on BF4DB.  Any information regarding a player or a report must be privately messaged to the investigating admin.  ACI evidence will still be allowed though.  There are multiple reasons for the removal of public links or screenshots from ACI, but the main reason is due to ACI's questionable decision of removing streaming access from anyone who is connected to BF4DB or tries to help publicly.  Their acrimonious behaviour is related to the previous BF4DB owner and one of their admins, and not the current BF4DB owners or admins.  Until ACI consents to allowing public submissions on other domains, we can only ask that people offer ACI evidence in private.  Any ACI evidence posted to the public will be removed.

Thank you, and we are looking forward to your feedback.

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