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Joined BF4DB: May 17, 2017
Last Online: 7 months ago


Hello Now Me Accound Is Banned 7 years ago

Hello , im never never , and never use any one cheat. Please check me and unban !, http://www.bf4db.com/player/934400489 this is mistake or error, yes im play last time this weapon for unlock accesories but 112 % is no possible !

So many years ago I'd be an idiot to ruin my account.

http://clantp.pl/index.php?sid=1&pid=174&p=player 22%

I can no longer prove that I'm clean and that I'm honest, I'm getting enough of this game through situations when I still have to prove.

Also many times I have met for so many years playing that one ball can kill two guests, maybe here the system has a bug?

Sorry google translate.

28 Replies 4190 Views

ChelovekBorshcha - Wallhack 7 years ago

BF4DB - http://bf4db.com/player/1616947192

247FairPlay - https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/ChelovekBorshcha

Battlelog - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/pl/soldier/ChelovekBorshcha/stats/1616947192/pc/

I welcome you, I need your help. I have a player who I think is cheating, the previous movie I recorded on another account youtube unfortunately has disappeared. I recorded a new one.

Describes what I drew every time attention. This player does not blow up the wall with c4 it does not play, always and always on the map operation locker, the guy blows up all the walls until he blows up all the walls he lets himself kill, runs like he did not know how to wall it up, see what It happens For me there is something wrong if I'm wrong I'm very sorry.

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMVh434UTyI

Min - 0:40, 1:23, 1.41, 3:33, 4:38, 

2 Replies 1337 Views

FEARXTEAM - - For Check Video. 7 years ago

Server - http://panel.clantp.pl/players/14119/FEARXTEAM
BF4DB - http://bf4db.com/players?name=FEARXTEAM
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAtlyuXB2ck
Battlelog - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/pl/soldier/FEARXTEAM/stats/1834048196/pc/

4 Replies 1354 Views

CoolMint68 - Wallhack 7 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajv6ppAzQig, Please check this move,

If I made a mistake, I'm sorry.


[Nadeko: Formatting corrected :) ]

3 Replies 1151 Views

Status Banned - NEVER USE ANY CHEATS 7 years ago

Hello friends, me wife have status banned, all is ok but she no play, im use this account for level up or 4fun to play. Im no use any one time cheats all times im play fair .

Me wife account - emajoszka - https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/emajoszka

Me accound - ZbieraczTP - https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/ZbieraczTP



Please check two account and please unban me wife. This is problem in software or mistake.

Thanks Your and regards.

Edit: This problem no have only me. - https://github.com/AdKats/AdKats/issues/860

Me video - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2YJ9_Lt0XBT4vTzwRqjMw/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0

Edit: - Thank you so much, it is very important to me. Because I love this game. Thanks again and best regards.

2 Replies 1602 Views