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Joined BF4DB: Nov 28, 2018
Last Online: 5 years ago


"multi hack ban" 5 years ago

Hi there. so around a year ago i use to love playing bf4. around that same time i got my first gaming pc so ofcourse i wanted to buy bf4 for pc. i played alot of it and if you look at my stats youll see im not the best and nothing adnormal (my bf4 gamertag is dj_d1x0n). 

one day it would just suddenly kick me from ever server i tried to join and i just thought it was my computer. i finally joined a match but it kept putting in the chat "warning. dixon is banned for multihack" and i thought that was a funny joke and kept moving on. eventually i added one plus one and got two and realized i was banned from bf4.

i suddenly got in the mood for bf4 lately and i would love to get back on but i cant without getting called a cheater even if i get lucky and find a match. 

as much as i would love to get back on and play if i cant get appealed could i at least get an explaination on why i was banned? i never cheated in a game in my life and i just want some sort of closure or explaination on why this happened to me so i can at least justify it. 

thanks for your time -Dixon

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