

Forum Rep








Joined BF4DB: Sep 2, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


Case Review 6 years ago


1. I appealed to EvenBalance over 11 months ago - https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB9319000932522&password=8e1d739b000de370857165beb77363&special_message=new_ticket   EvenBalance side told me I was only on unoffical MBI, I also appealed to other 3rd party anti cheat site all of them lifted my bans on their side.

2. I was not banned here 2 weeks ago.

3. I encountered Riotranz more than once on BF4 & he definately was hacking check the hskr values all extremely high mostly "coincedently" on the same server  http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/99cb3aab-eb38-42ad-8f64-441ba7c7f68c/ if he is really legit, why isn't these feats of high hskr not typical in other reports.

4. Funny how you guys employ a legit "highly skilled" staff who coicedentally "checks out".

5. This is probably the highest accomplishment that the sort here can attain in life locking accounts up.

That's all, if this site was supposed to ensure fairness it certainly doing so poorly.


10 Replies 916 Views

Ban Appeal 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile: https://bf4db.com/player/798277351

Banreason: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/798277351
***   Riotranz (https://bf4db.com/player/1053499150) the Staff that flagged me is a discrete hacker, extremly high hskr values. Riotranz BF4 cheat report: http://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=&uid=Riotranz&cnt=200&startdate=&rid=   ***

Dear Admins.

I'm a avid Battlefield player been playing Battlefield since BFBC2.
All the while I have never used a hack to cheat.
However before October 08, 2017, I've encounter multiple hackers hacking on BF4 who were very discrete in hacking, moreover theres no mainstream reports of their activities be it on PunkBuster or other third party anti cheat sources.
I opted to voteban ban them on the servers but it never works due to lack of majority votes.
Wanting the hackers to feel how awful it is to be playing against cheats the I decided to use cheat against these people on BF4 in only a few instances.
At the same time I would also like to point out some of the hackers that I recall that annoyed me to cheat on BF4,
they are: Riotranz , CoCULB formerly: YISFIOy_ , TanezukePuresu formerly: 02LubuFengxian , bio314 , Schwarzen_Nagel .
With this ban I've learned my lesson & deeply regret my decision to cheat.
In October 2017 I made a ticket to Even Balance on my unofficial MBI, as well as emailed Even Balace Adam Dunahoe as well with EA Support too. The Even Balance side told me I am not officially banned from BF4 thus ban was lifted.
Since then I never played BF4 for 11 months, & I just realised my profile got flagged & rebanned 2 weeks ago based off the previous record by the above mentioned.
I promise I will never cheat again. I humbly request my ban to be lifted, as well as the unreported offenders I listed to be banned for it only to be fair. Thank You.

Date of letter: September 2 2018

The other discrete hackers with high hskr values not detected by Punk Buster or other mainstream third party anti cheat sources:

Riotranz (https://bf4db.com/player/1053499150) the Moderator that flagged me is a discrete hacker, extremly high hskr values. Riotranz BF4 cheat report: http://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=&uid=Riotranz&cnt=200&startdate=&rid=     Image: https://ibb.co/cixZpe

TanezukePuresu formerly: 02LubuFengxian (https://bf4db.com/player/781259684)  TanezukePuresu BF4 cheat report: http://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=&uid=TanezukePuresu&cnt=200&startdate=&rid=     Image: https://ibb.co/j7UKNz

CoCULB formerly: YISFIOy_ (https://bf4db.com/player/1700856113)  CoCULB BF4 cheat report: http://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=&uid=CoCULB&cnt=200&startdate=&rid=    Image: https://ibb.co/gC23FK

bio314: (https://bf4db.com/player/939305117)  bio314 BF4 cheat report: http://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=&uid=bio314&cnt=200&startdate=&rid=     Image: https://ibb.co/fVNW2z

Schwarzen_Nagel: (https://bf4db.com/player/1739694847) BF4 cheat report: http://bf4cheatreport.com/?pid=&uid=Schwarzen_Nagel&cnt=200&startdate=&rid=     Image: https://ibb.co/f8XLvK

4 Replies 932 Views