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Joined BF4DB: Jun 12, 2019
Last Online: 5 years ago


Ban Appeal 5 years ago

Soldier Name: Barba_Azul237

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

Appeal: i have been banned and i @Angry_Cuban13 told me to play and get some reports, i din't knew that i needed to post the game reports on the previous appeal so there it ts: 
 as i said in the other post, i never use hacks or 3rd party programs to get advantage on other players, some of this reports like the second one that i got so many kills there was other players with 200+ kills, i love bf4 and other shooting games, would never use hacks to get banned at some point. 

5 Replies 1122 Views

Ban Appeal 5 years ago

Soldier Name: Barba_Azul237

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

Appeal: i've been banned for Suspicious Stats but i think this thing was an auto ban, i've never used any type of hacks in this game or other kind of online game, Bf4 is my favorite war game and i don`t want it to be an waste of money, i wanna continue playing the game, i have played this game in a bunch of servers and several adm's have spectate me and they didnt even kick me from the server, i don't know why people keep using hacks or pay for something to play the game for you, please check this ban, i wanna play my favorite game when im back from work again, im not hacking and will never hack in a game. i'll star livestreaming the game to proof that i dont use hacks if this ban gets removed.  thanks :D

4 Replies 875 Views