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Joined BF4DB: Jun 29, 2017
Last Online: 6 years ago


Are you..... 6 years ago

....the cheatcoders themselves?????

Protecting their clients???

So many CLEAN? No other proof? You have only watch some stats to know they are not CLEAN.

Sry guys I once saw a cheatcoder become an anti-cheatcoder programing an ACS with big promises....

In the end he supported his cheatclients bypassing his own anti-cheatsoftware for money.

I can´t help but it all remembers me to this story.

And if you want you can take me out from here. TY.

8 Replies 1458 Views

Please check Gottis89 6 years ago



IMO hskr stats too high.

1 Reply 988 Views

BF4DB gets unplausible 6 years ago

Hi again,

u remember my last thread:


ok but explain this plz:

my account:  https://bf4db.com/player/276807178       WITH CHEATSCORE OF 21%. One red hskr at LMG 249.

this account: https://bf4db.com/player/1705439673    WITH CHEATSCORE 0% and CLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN.

My prob: This guy has 2 hskr red at Type 95 and SR 2, and many many orange hskr score on different weapons. IMO NOT CLEAN.

AND HAS  0% CHEATSCORE, is CLEANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN? How can it be????????????????????????

It is manually, right? I read the whole discussion in the forum.

And: https://bf4db.com/player/951475266  same guy       INVESTIGATING??????????????? ROFL. UNBELIEVABLE.

But the strange is, his stats are now normal. Maybe he has learned to refine them in his hack.

Because someone told him he has to refine otherwise he gets cheatscore here on BF4DB.

And i want my account clean and 0% cheatscore, LIKE IT WAS ALWAYS BEFORE HERE AND CHEATSCORE WAS ALWAYS GOOD HERE.

Or have I to pay for getting CLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN STATUS????


2 Replies 1040 Views

Serious question.... 6 years ago


my name is ZyliXX, play BF4 over 5000hrs :D.

But I want an explanation how BF4DB works. Example:

My account: https://bf4db.com/player/276807178   21% cheat?!  Why?

Other example accounts: https://bf4db.com/player/240834049  0% cheat. A lot stats green and orange. But 0% cheat.

Next example: https://bf4db.com/player/1761368923 A lot of green+orange stats too, but 0% cheat.

Next:  https://bf4db.com/player/1250338237 Really many orange stats, but cheat 0%.

Next: https://bf4db.com/player/200951416 Cheat 0%.

I could post more links, where ppl have 0% cheat and see and kill everyone on servers.

These ppl rape every server, i am not interested if they cheat or not, but please explain these really weird difference between my stats and theirs. THANK YOU.

But...why I am cheat 21% and noob k/d when this ppl kill instant, every day, every server, high k/d,  green/orange stats and 0% cheat ?!

Because when I have cheat 21% with my acc, rly noob k/d, imo this ppl must have (logical) 50% cheat or am I wrong???

7 Replies 1613 Views