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Joined BF4DB: Jan 12, 2019
Last Online: 5 years ago


BF4DB Ban Appeal - 5 years ago

Soldier Name: TwelvJinx
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal    I was banned a few days ago, and at first I thought it was just another Punkbuster folder or file being corrupted and a case of me having to reinstall it. However, after doing so and just taking a break from the game until the next day, I try to log into a server and I receive a message "You have been kicked by an admin". This happened over and over and over with any server I could try, and I couldn't quite figure out why, so i done a little digging and found this site, with my name and a big red BANNED next to it. The reason says MD5 Tool, or something along the lines, and I have absolutely no clue what in the world that even means. Either way, i look at the "proof" posted for me being banned, and I am honestly shocked, that I was banned because I finally found a weapon playing single player that I enjoy the hell out of, and can actually get headshots with, relatively easy. (Look at my stats, I am not very good at pvp and it was a relief to finally be able to use something and maybe do some good on the battlefield in pvp). Regardless, growing up in a small town, and hunting for the majority of my life i was always told to never shoot at the head, shoot center mass. Even when i Joined the Army, it was drilled into our brains, over and over, to always shoot center mass, never the head, because you have a better chance of getting a lethal shot, aiming center mass. This rule, i have managed to carry over even into these games, and it has done nothing but bite me in the ass, because I'm constantly getting shot in the face by someone while i'm trying to shoot their chest! So, i was playing the campaign, and picked up the Mk100 LMG, and was able to get head shot after headshot, and toook that into multiplayer, and was doing great with it, finally! Until i got banned, because i finally learned to just shoot for the head like everyone else, and actually got a good amount of kills. Mind you, i never even came close to the top scorer or the most kills for my team, or squad either, i dont think. I do know, that I would really like it to have this ban removed, please, so i can play the game and enjoy it. I'm not using any tools, unless my keyboard with the macro keys on the sides being programmed to switch weapons for me easier, is a tool that calls for banning. 

I have no idea how to upload any pictures at the moment. If you can tell me, great, but until then, i will try to figure it out.

Thanks, Twelvjinx

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