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Joined BF4DB: May 30, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


Dear Admins 4 years ago

I never got the chance to say thank you when i was cleared of accusations of cheating, and again recently with a compromised account. (due to my own stupid fault of lowering my routers firewall for 2 days). Your judgement and understanding has allowed me to continue playing a game i very much enjoy, and i wanted to take a moment to thank you personally.

Thank You.


2 Replies 718 Views

Linked Account Ban Appeal 4 years ago

Soldier Name:  Hobo-Warrior1982
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

Hello guys,

An old account of mine was hacked a while ago, 5-6 months roughly, sadly the hacker(s) also used cheats on this account which i was unaware of until late January when a friend tried to use the account and was instantly kicked from the game with message reading : Banned for Aimbot.

After the initial shock of the situation i logged into the account myself to find my friends list completely deleted, new "Free" games installed and my profile picture changed. I instantly took measures to secure the account with a new Password and activate the 2-step system. After some investigation a website was found, a huge list of hacked Origin Accounts. Sadly mine was there.

I've been asked to provide some sort of proof regarding these events, i've done the best i can to gather that information. If i've missed anything that could help, please tell me what to do.

Below is a screenshot of the website where my hacked account is listed (edited email) please excuse the profanity.




I'm not sure if this is what was meant as Origin Login History, but maybe this will help?



I have no idea if this is enough evidence to prove anything, but if there is something, anything, i can do to help further?

Thanks, Sapporo.

Edit by an administrator: images and email account information removed  for privacy reasons

7 Replies 1214 Views

Any advice regarding hacked account? 4 years ago

Hey guys,

Does anyone have advice regarding a hacked account which unknowingly had cheats used on it, which leads to "Linked Account" ban on another clean account?

Cheers, Sapporo

23 Replies 2293 Views

Sapporo-S9 Ban Appeal 4 years ago

Soldier Name: Sapporo-S9
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

Hello guys,

Sadly a video for my platoons internal use has been taken out-of-context, and used to impliment me as a possible hacker/cheater.

Here is a link to that video :

We are not sure why this happens exactly but it only seems to occur on the map Shanghai.

My platoon leader took the time to record a new video of the same bug occuring on the same map on the same server.

Here is a link to that video :

As we cycle through multiple players the same spectator bug is apparent.

Hopefully this clears up any misunderstanding regarding the original video.



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