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Joined BF4DB: May 29, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


BAN APPEAL (GuardianApache) 4 years ago

Soldier name : GuardianApache

BF4DB link :

Good day Admin,

Firstly I hope I have provided the above correctly and aren't missing anything (if so please LMK).

I have recently (around 2 weeks ago(?)) been trying to join servers on the game and have kept getting a message saying banned and then something about BF4DB, at first I thought it was because of the arguments I had with a member of the server as they were using racial slurs and very bad profane language in chat, so I told him to shut up ofcourse in a not so very nice manner. Then the person started swearing etc and i did so too so at first i thought right well maybe that's why I've been banned from the server and so i didn't pay much attention to it, then i tried to join another server and got the exact same message, and then another, and then another etc. So i just googled BF4DB and came across this website, had a look what it is and saw its a cheater/hacker database and i searched my name up and behold - GuardianApache, BANNED. I looked at the evidence of me using an ''ESP'' or ''Wallhack'' or ''aim-bot''. Then i remembered what match this was on. There was a player on the opposing team who was quite the 'salty' kind, and I had raked up quite a large number of kills on the server (AREA51). The server is a hardcore mode and I was using an LMG on the Hainan Resort map and I flanked the entire opposite team and unleashed lead into the players from behind bushes. This got me loads of kills as i camped there in the bush waiting for them to come and the exact same thing happened over and over - I used impact grenades to kill players huddled in containers giving me multi kills. This is how i raked up the number of headshots and kills (i also used the ACW-R with ammo box at the same spot to flank and kill them from behind). I got called out for 'hacking' by maybe the player who has made a post against me and he kept saying hacker nice hacks etc. I told him to spectate me and he did, but whilst spectating me he did not say 'hacks' with as much confidence as before. However still claiming I'm using ''Hacks''. I then for the games sake told one of my team mates to spectate me and tell everyone if I'm using hacks (however i do not remember the name of the team mate) and he said no, and i very explicitly remember him saying this, ''my boy guardian just flanked ur whole team and rekt yall'' because he was spectating me doing what i had described previously.

The evidence which has been uploaded against me proves weak Admin, please go view for yourself. There is no way I'm using an ESP or wallhack or any sort of hack at all - they ruin games and gaming experience in general. The evidence uploaded on youtube shows me playing normally literally looking where the enemy is spotted and continuously checking the air and corners for enemies. For example in the first video if you skip till around 0.28 seconds you can clearly see my checking my surroundings and aiming and taking accurate shots at the enemy - how could this be hacking? I do not know. I am missing shots... if i had an aimbot i would've been hitting every single shot on target.

Please review my appeal Admin(s), I would really appreciate you guys' help - I'm only able to play on low pop-high ping Russian servers :$

Thank you.

EDIT -----

I didn't see that the user who made the claim against me has uploaded a second video - in this video I'm playing Gun Game and the user who has made the claim against me says its ''Clear evidence''. However I literally see no evidence there? I am playing Gun Game normally... I don't even see a hint of me using ESP, wallhack, or aimbot.. Please review this 'evidence' and my appeal admin, thank you

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