Ricardo Moreira Borges


Forum Rep








Joined BF4DB: Aug 25, 2017
Last Online: 5 years ago


Ban Appeal - More Information 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile: https://bf4db.com/player/1912235019

Previous Appeal:  https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/ban-appeal-921

following the indication of the moderator "Burt" of this community, I contacted the company evebalance and it asked me for more information about Ban to continue my Call Ticket

. Appeal Eve Balance inc -  https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB4606000936972&password=3bbbe77ba1294d5e70d06d02fb725f&special_message=new_ticket

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Ban Appeal 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile: https://bf4db.com/player/1912235019

Screenshot Problem:  http://prntscr.com/i4pini

Would you like to know why my account has been classified as banned by the BF4DB community ? I performed all the procedures indicated by the administrators of this community (I formatted and bought a new game) and I get this sudden message without any evidence (screenshots, videos, etc ) ?

1 Reply 805 Views

BAN APPEAL 7 years ago


Name: Ricardo_Skull

Battlelog Profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/Ricardo_Skull/stats/343742554/pc/

BF4DB: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/343742554

Eve Balance ticket URL:  https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB9711000930381&password=4ba3c9dd11d139ed1beaac08563159&special_message=new_ticket

Banreason: This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

Reason: Punkbuster

This thread is now closed


Please ask the administrators of this community to please review my statistics in battlelog and check my battlereports to see that theReason why I was reported / banned by BF4DB was unfair. I am a veteran player in the battlefield franchise, I attend servers from different countries (I prioritize the fun And abandoning the PING difference) besides having long hours of play (1422h 22m) ... I have no reason to promote or use any malicious tools because I highly value my hours of games and their respective rewards (unmasked, victories, etc).



Thnx Community

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