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Joined BF4DB: Aug 19, 2017
Last Online: 7 years ago


Suspicious Stats - Innapropriate Ban 7 years ago

BF4DB Profile:

Banreason: Suspicious Stats  

I was told that my damage output from a 1911 was to high.  Looking at the stats it is 250% above normal in a battle report from a month ago - per your tool and the information I have recently found on 24/7


Clearly this was a case where I simply used the pistol to detonate explosives or finish off a vehicle that was nearly destroyed.  I do not distinctly remember the exact scenario that would of caused an unusual high amount of damage from a pistol, but I do recall plenty of times shooting c4, or blowing up a vehicle via explosives etc in years past, and seeing the pistol get the kill credit in the kill receipt.  So killing multiple players in this manner in a single shot, I imagine would indeed cause some interesting weapon statistical anomolies.  The admin also question me as to why now I file the appeal.  Well, I am now spending a fair amount of stream time trying to play this game.  I now play on an ultra low dpi/epi and mouse sensitivty setting.  I used to calculate this from csgo and h1z1 to bf4..If you look at my 900 hours, you will see an above average accuracy of 30%...But then if you look at all the actual rifles...the k/d and aim is pretty sad.  Of my 900 hours or so, 200 ish is spent on gun-play only - the rest were conquest games an d I would drive or co occupy  armor or a chopper/jet.  

So I found the battlereports all from about a month ago, right around the time I reinstalled and started playing ago...

1 of 5:  

^ 1.25kd 5-4 - beast weapon...RPG..lav vehicle...  ACCURACY: 30% I dont think anyone would accuse me of cheating on this one, Despite any accurate of innacurate damage output report from a pistol.  I typically only pull the pistol to finish a victim off up close or in corner plays after I have handed out damage.

2 of 5:

KD: 0 

Best Weapon: none

Best Vehicle: none

Accuracy: 33% 

Looks like I got in fired a few shots and the round ended...  I don't think you can find room to call me a cheat here.

3 of 5:

KD: 1

Best Weapon: AEK

Accuracy: 10%

Looks like I got in, killed one guy and rounded ended.. I don't think you can find room to call me a cheat here.

4 of 5:

KD: .86 12-14

Best Weapon: AEK

Accuracy: 8%

.86..7%...Sub 1 KDR....speaks fo itself..        

5 of 5:

KD: .18 

Best Weapon: MTAR

Accuracy: 14%

The other two are roughly the same, not one is a solid 1 to 1 kd

Additional Information:

-  This anomalie is most likely the result of shooting explosives or finishing off a vehicle at the point exploding. 

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Suspect stats... 7 years ago

None of my stats fit within your criteria for the ban policy.  I am not replaying the game for fun and your ban has been annoying. Please lift.

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