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Joined BF4DB: May 22, 2018
Last Online: 2 years ago


Banned for nothing :( 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

2 weeks ago I got randomly kicked by PunkBuster. Since that i get kicked by nearly every server, but i didnt cheat in my entire life. Then I came to this website and read the forum posts about this topic. I contacted the admin "Scavenger" on BF4DB and sended him a PB ticket to solve the issue. Then the ticket got updated from PB support, with the answer they wont unban me, which is very very frustrating. After that i contacted the admin again on what to do next, but i still have no response that is why I post here.

So again: Can I do anything to play BF4 again? I really do enjoy this game and not only did I pay for it, I cant play on any account anymore, because of the "Linked Account" security. It makes me so mad, when I see a rage hacker in every 3rd game, who cant even get kicked and then me, an innocent person who never has even thought about cheating gets treated like this. 

You can look at my stats. It should a good reason to believe me in my opinion:

And my other account (leveling is fun :D):

Here is the ticket:

I really hope you guys can help me, I am sure there is a solution :)

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