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Joined BF4DB: Aug 2, 2018
Last Online: 5 years ago


Ban Appeal once agian... 5 years ago

So I have been banned again. I got banned on this account before and ban appealed. It didn't get accepted because I got related to a hacker. Although I never hacked. The love for this game never stopped so I made a new account. Leveled it as my love for bf4 never stopped. Today I try to play again. and I get kicked every time. all the sudden I have been banned for the same reason my other account got banned. I got nothing to do with that account nor have I ever hacked. You can see it in my game stats. I don't know what else I can say or do to convince. I never hacked. My other account that got banned now.

2 Replies 680 Views

Banned for Linked Account 6 years ago

The ban:

Related player:

My account:

Dear BF4DB team,

Today I got banned mid-game for a Linked Account. I have never cheated on this account or ever played with the related person. Although this account was not 100% my account before. My friend I used to play with got really buzzy with work and everything and I asked if I can have his account to play on because he was high level and never played. Now I am 100% in control of the account.

My intentions were never to create an unfair environment for the players I play against nor have I ever cheated to do so. Hopefully, we can settle this and I hope to hear soon.

Yours Faithfully,


(sorry for the poor English)

5 Replies 481 Views