Mc Dosenbier


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Joined BF4DB: Jan 11, 2021
Last Online: 1 year ago


Linked account Ban 4 no reason 3 years ago

I just wanted to play some bf4 again and got kicked by admin over and over again. on the 6th server a message showed me this website here and told me something about account linked whatsoever. If i get this right the Account that sb wanna tell me is linked to mine is shown there, too?

this may be the other account

so i tried to get in conversation with EA and so did i. After trying to call them for over an hour but finally talking to a support guy for 20 mins i know im not banned from EA, still can play on official server. 

I mean of course, i didnt linked my account, i didnt changed anything on it since i made it, didnt even checked mail for the email adress im using 4 it. i think i understand what this Linked Account thing means but no, i didnt, i didnt had any reason to do so 

dont know how i can show you that i didnt but pleeeaaase unban me, bf4 doesnt make fun anymore

Edit: Even Asked the EA Supporter if there is anything suspicious on my account like its beeng hacked but nothing he said

can you tell me where this location is? becouse i used a vpn sometimes and can tell you where i lived. I really dont used any account for hacking, im not even able to. Im just some Punkhead that loves bf4 and now the game isnt fun playing at all. i cant effort the money to buy it again to just getting banned again. Whatever i have to do to show you that i didnt cheat i will do, but pleeeaaaaaassseeeee give me a chance to do so.

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