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Joined BF4DB: Nov 5, 2020
Last Online: 3 years ago


Escalated BF4DB ban Appeal Request 3 years ago

                                                        Escalated Appeal Request

I desire to have my appeal escalated

( Please, consider also my new arguments, here below )


Link to my first appeal:

Soldier Name: TU35O4Y

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: YES



in reference to your answer to my first appeal, I would like to ask that the dates of the evidences you found in my game history be checked, depending on the fact that:

to go on the roofs of Zavod 311 - TDM has been allowed for a considerable amount of time.

I'll explain better:

At the beginning of BF4's life (in 2013), access to the rooftops of Zavod 311 - TDM and many other TDM maps was provided for by the design of the map itself.

In the period from the BF4 release-date (in 2013) to the release date of the Spring-Patch (in 2015), going to the roofs of Zavod 311 - TDM was legal and permitted. There were ladders to go there, the map was designed to go to the roof. So, going to the roofs of these maps was allowed for about a year and a half.

Then in 2015, through the Spring-Patch, the developers of BF4 removed access to the roofs of Zavod-311 and, also in many other maps, they removed the verticality of the game, deleting from the maps the ladders leading to the roofs, in favor of better gameplay.

The Spring-Patch Patch-Notes has a lack of detail on the topic of accessing map roofs. So, within the patch notes, I have not found any details to show you. However, the following video explains how the Spring-Patch removed the verticality of the game in many maps. (There are also many other videos and posts on the various forums that testify what I say)


In the next video instead we see Zavod 311 - TDM before the Spring-patch.

At point 1:27 of the video we see the player climbing the ladder to go to the roof: (this video is not mine, I just searched and found it on the internet as an example)


Honestly, I have no recollection of being on the rooftops of Zavod-311-TDM, neither before nor after the Spring-Patch. Many years have passed to remind me of this and, over so many hours of play, you can see in my statistics that I play little in TDM, but knowing my way of playing, I can say that if it was allowed to go to the rooftops, I certainly am there went.

If, on the other hand, I went there when it was not allowed, it surely happened that I spawned in a player who was already on the roofs or I spawned in someone's spawn-beacon and, without thinking of being in a forbidden zone, I just continued to play. These are just my hypotheses because, I repeat, I have no recollection of it, but I am sure that I have never climbed the roofs autonomously and intentionally before. I did it just once in that day when I got reported.

In conclusion, thanking you for your time, please check the dates of the evidences you have found and consider applying leniency if possible, giving me a second chance.


Best Regards

1 Reply 567 Views

BF4DB Ban Appeal 3 years ago

Soldier Name: TU35O4Y

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: YES


Hi, (sorry for this long text and, maybe, bad English that is not my native language)

First of all, I totally realized that I have committed an unfair action in game and that I think it is right that I got punished, but I would ask that I be given another chance to resume to play fairly as every day I did since first day in BF4 .  Please, if you will consider to reassess my punishment, considering the following:

I climbed the rooftops in the map Zavod 311- TDM for the first time and once only  and, as partial evidence of that , you can check all my previous battle-reports in Zavod 311- TDM and you will see there isn’t any my M32 MGL kills. (In fact in Zavod 311 -TDM ,this pick-up-weapon still spawns in a point in  the roof , near at a ladder.

I did that action without consciously realizing the gravity of it .I did not think about what I was going to do and I am so sorry now. I was wrong not to recognize it as something not fair and  detestable as it is.

That day I did it, but while I was doing it, after some minutes , I no longer felt at ease and ,started realizing my mistake and walked out of the game, I also felt ashamed with myself. Also , I changed my soldier-name cause both for shame and fear to get punished.

I apologize to all those players in that match and with all the BF4 gamers community in general.

I have been playing FPS since 2001 and I have never used cheat tools or used glitches and I will never use them! I like to play hard, always fair though. I like to find every possible way to dominate opponents, but always loyally.

Whatever your decision for my appeal will be, I think I have learned my lesson well and, in the future, I will still be even more careful than I have always been not to commit glitches or map exploits.

Best Regards

2 Replies 601 Views