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BF4DB Ban Appeal: KALEBE42BR 5 years ago

BF4DB Ban Appeal:

Soldier Name: KALEBE42BR
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: (Yes.)
Appeal: I am hereby very unsatisfied with the following ban I have received, in fact the only proof shown where my past stats and KDRs, the player who accused me during the game had no other means as to attack me thus entering an unproved accusation towards my skill, yes my skill because I have been playing fps for years and never got into such a disgraceful situation, if by any means yall need to scan my CPU or  talk directly to me, do it, as I have the right to defense or else you are goin against my civil rights as I am a sole legitimate owner of rights to play a game and you represent a third party bussiness that sorry to be honest, has no credit to do what it does, although many use the service, I would like to appeal not only to that as to logs of the gameplays I have been accused of, I need access to all the proof as to why, how, what when, where and whom banned me or accussed me, unfollowing such things is going againt the Law and will end this matter in court for cybernetic abuse. I have also to state that im am a Brazilian player and have never, ever been put under such suspicion, making what you guys did, an ultimate damage to my morale.

I honestly await a respectful response with all the proofs against me, and if most possible would like myself to talk to the staff members who, as the bans says, together made the (wrong) decision to accuse me of hacking, and banning me..

Yours truly: Kalebe de Souza da Rosa

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