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Joined BF4DB: Feb 28, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


"Ki11erEdge6" Stat Ban Appeal 6 years ago

Hello, I have tried to rejoin the bf4 community however i recently discovered I am unable to join most servers due to a stat ban. It has been sometime since the period which I actively played the game so my memory has faded but the instance in which i believe is "suspicious", was during the time I played on a friends server. We used to play fun little games of only using certain weapons and would also trade kills/revive for unlocks aka stat padding. During this time I was not aware of the rules about this and didn't consider it as a ban-able offense, my mistake. However I do NOT use exploits (including stat pading from here out) and or hacks on any servers nor do i support any who chooses to. I have no problems with a stat reset, or w/e actions are needed to rectify the situation. My only wish is to play bf4 again with the few friends I still have ingame, also sorry for my format I do not post online very often and wish I could provide more information at this time, however i will do my best. (first ban ever)

From what I have seen from your stats is, I had 2 stats with very high headshots which i believe where the 2 main guns I were using during these times if I am wrong please correct me.

Also just for the record an account of the trading/padding.

After playing on a public servers for awhile with 1 or 2 of the members of our clan we would move to our server as to help one of our clan members unlock some guns/sights when they would log on. I remember his computer had issues running the game, but we would take turns which eventually lead to 30 mins or an hour of trading and then into some funny antics then back to active servers, and this happen I would say about 2-5 times over 2 weeks( I really can't recall how many times I didn't take it serious but total i would say 5 or 6). Many of the members had, from the sounds of it, busy lives and couldn't play as much as I, being in school still. Unfortunately, I no longer play with the gentlemen of that clan, even if this lead directly from it or not, they were always respectable people and anyone whom had the chance to play with them would agree.

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