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Joined BF4DB: Jan 20, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


Ban Appeal 3 6 years ago

Can I get an actual response k thanks.

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Ban Appeal 2 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile: no idea what this is I'm guessing you mean this https://bf4db.com/profile/Kappa_Kappa_Kappa

Banreason:"This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

Reason: Suspicious Stats

This thread is now closed"

Last time I try they say this is my Alias https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-412026.html but this not me my Alias listed here https://www.bf4db.com/player/1774009723 says Kappa_Kappa_Kapp and ForeverCrooked no DIXOUT4HARAMBE. I never kick by punkbuster either so clearly not punkbuster ban.

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Ban Appeal 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile: no idea what this is I'm guessing you mean this https://bf4db.com/profile/Kappa_Kappa_Kappa

Banreason:"This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

Reason: Suspicious Stats

This thread is now closed"

I have no idea how my stats are unbelievable or 'suspicious' and if they were unbelievable fairifight would've banned me. There was all of 2 players who ever actually called me out and thought I cheated and they were both very low on the scoreboard. I was playing with a bunch of friends in a squad and we were using discord to communicate so that helped a lot I also have over 3,000 hours on csgo and am 2 ranks below the highest rank which is global elite. I can reset my stats if that'd help. EDIT: I have no idea what your talking about that isn't one of my listed Alias's. My Alias's are listed here https://bf4db.com/player/1774009723 only show Kappa_Kappa_Kapp and ForeverCrooked doesn't say DIXOUT4HARAMBE I have no idea what link you are talking about I never get kicked by punkbuster only by BF4DB

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