Name of soldier: BOIQMan
Link to the profile of a soldier:BF4DB:
You said about your soldier: Yes
Appeal: Why am i blocked?
Name of soldier: BOIQMan
Link to the profile of a soldier:BF4DB:
You said about your soldier: Yes
Appeal: Why am i blocked?
Name of soldier: KIKITOSAZ
Link to this profile soldier BF4DB:
You stated your soldier: Yes
Appeal: you were excluded PunkBuster. Specified reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'KIKITOSAZ'... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUIG BAN 0674182, I wrote serveral emails to Even Balance of response i got. Please help me! How can i block a player without primary evidence. Violation can only be used as supporting evidence!
I want that. If you unlock my profiles then I will write to PB
This is proof of cheat
For how many days or months is my profile blocked by BF4dB and PunkBuster?
Here is an example: how your organization BF4DB cathes cheaters!